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Memorium - Honoring Members & Staff Who Have Passed On

Joseph "Joe" Ward
February 16, 1947 - October 10, 2021

Joe Ward was RECAMFT's Administrative Consultant until his death in 2021. He died after a hospitalization for GI issues which required a surgery. Shortly after his initial surgical discharge he was readmitted, requiring secondary emergency surgery, and died shortly thereafter on October 10, 2021. During his prior weeklong hospitalization, he continued using his phone and iPad to answer RECAMFT emails and conduct its business while in bed, much to the chagrin of the President who begged him to focus on getting well. "It helps me pass the time, and feel useful," was Joe's response, so dedicated he was to our organization. 

RECAMFT's October Newsletter featured an article about Joe, written by a new member who said, "I have come to realize after only a few months as a member that much of RECAMFT's successful reputation comes from that 'behind the scenes' masterful technical support delivered by Joe Ward." (Jean Hayes, p. 6).  Her article also says that Joe considered Pam Ward, his partner and wife of 50 years, to be his soulmate. The above picture was taken in the car on their wedding day in 1969. 

In his early career, Joe worked as a high school teacher, and later became a librarian. He developed a company called Library Software Index which was bought by Follett Corp. Today more than 50K libraries use his software. 

It should be no surprise, therefore, that it was Joe who brought the technical knowledge of filming RECAMFT speakers to our chapter, making us unique among the CAMFT chapters for providing videos for our members (with the general public being able to watch the first half of each presentation). This started in 2013, and has continued to date, including our Zoom webinars (which are now available for members to watch for CEs - another process Joe figured out for us). All in all there are a total of 76 speaker presentations which Joe produced for our chapter - a rich legacy benefitting RECAMFT's members and beyond.   

Joe and Pam had three adopted children, two daughters, Jannea and Simone, and a son, Andrew. Pam ran an adoption agency, and avidly believed in helping children by adopting them to good homes. They have one grandson. 

The legacy of Joe and Pam's profoundly positive influence on RECAMFT cannot be overstated. Our community feels heartbroken at their loss, and immensely grateful for the time we had with this warm, kind, caring, innovative couple. 

Kristina Carey, LMFT, Marin CAMFT member and frequent ambassador visitor to RECAMFT
1961 - February 27, 2017

Last updated on 8 Jan 2017, 8:12 PM by Laura Strom
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Kristina Carey, LMFT was a frequent and welcomed visitor at RECAMFT meetings. This picture was taken at the May 6, 2016 RECAMFT meeting. 

Her warm smile and soft, caring demeanor will be missed by all those who knew her. The counseling community has truly lost a one-of-a-kind gifted counselor. Kristina, you were a gentle, and loving soul, and gone much too soon. We miss you...

Joan Myra Polikoff, LMFT
1961 - January 14, 2016

Myra Polikoff died on January 14, 2016. She was a long-time member of RECAMFT. Her husband, two sons, along with her family, friends, colleagues and clients are mourning her loss.

Myra was a member of the One Heart Choir and the Center for Spiritual Living.

Coralia Serafim, LMFT
1945 - January 26, 2015

We lost one of our members, Coralia Serafim, age 70, who died suddenly January 26, 2015 of a heart attack. Although she was a reference librarian for many years, first at Stanford's Hoover Institution and then at Sonoma State University, her true life’s work was service to others as a psychotherapist. She attained her MA in Clinical Psychology in 1995, did an internship at Hospice of Petaluma (with which she maintained close ties), and has since had a private practice in Petaluma and Santa Rosa. Coralia was a dedicated, effective and beloved therapist with a huge heart. She did her own personal work, and she worked to stay on top of her game by participating in some longstanding consultation groups. Her sensitivity, compassion, love and caring came through loud and clear to clients and non-clients alike.

Coralia participated in a myriad of ways and made many contributions to RECAMFT over the years. When she started with RECAMFT she was a member of the Intern Support Group. She met and kept many friends from that time. She was one of the ringleaders of RECAMFT’s original mentoring program in the 1990s. She loved the opportunity to meet the incoming new therapists, as well as connect or reconnect with the mentoring therapists. She led the Ethics Roundtable for about 10 years, and was instrumental in keeping it alive and vital.

The constant refrain from those who knew Coralia is how warm and friendly she was, how welcoming and interested. So often there was a twinkle in her eye and a readiness to laugh—including at herself. A wise clinician, an enthusiastic and supportive colleague, and an even more wonderful friend--Coralia, you are deeply missed! - Jan Lowry-Cole    

Pamela Kay Ward
October 22, 1947 - December 17, 2016

Pam Ward was RECAMFT's Admin Consultant for the last few years. Hers was the smiling face that greeted members as they walked into the meetings. She answered calls, and networked beautifully. Her past business experience included running an adoption agency. She attended all RECAMFT Board meetings, and frequently brought this expertise to the table. 

Pam's husband, Joe Ward, created a lovely website honoring Pam's memory. Please visit to learn more about this remarkable woman. 

RECAMFT is very sorry to have lost Pam for a multitude of reasons, but most especially, her loving spirit and generous, thoughtful, warm-hearted enrichment of our organization. We already miss her so much. 

Kim Gagnon, LMFT

October 7, 1959 - June 24, 2013

I met Kim Gagnon sometime  in  2007  at  a RECAMFT meeting, not long after I had moved here from Pacific  Grove  and  stepped right  onto  the  Board  of RECAMFT.    I  immediately felt at ease in the warmth of her smile and friendly eyes. 

From  the  remarks  at  her memorial service, she was that  way  with  everyone.  We attended the AEDP training together in January 2008 and traveled to a few other AEDP events together or met there.  Kim always made me feel that I had her full attention and she took time to think about what I said or a question I asked before answering. 

In time I approached her to consider becoming our President but also gave her the option of joining the Board as our
Treasurer.  She thought about that for a few days and
decided that Treasurer was a better job for her.  She
was on the Board for the years 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Kim did not just take up where our last Treasurer, Lisa Lund, had left the job.  Lisa had done a lot of work to put the system on computer and set other tasks on auto pilot.  Nevertheless, Kim brought lots of suggestions to the Board of ways to improve the system or the relationship with the bank and she always challenged our spending and budgets. 

In other words, she did the best she could as, I guess, she did in everything she took on.  She was a wonderful and essential part of the Board and found a great replacement in Bob Dalzell when she told us it was time for her to leave, as she was dealing with some health issues.

Who would ever have believed that a soul as vibrant
and involved in life would leave us so early?  Along with
all the others at Kim’s memorial service in July I regret
her passing and miss seeing her smile.  It always made
the sun come out wherever we were.

With deep gratitude for your service to RECAMFT and
your kindness and friendship to all of us, Kim. - Gail Van Buuren, The Redwood Empire Therapist, Sept. 2013

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