Presentation Application
RECAMFT Diversity Statement for Presenters “The purpose of RECAMFT is to promote and maintain professional competence and integrity with knowledge, innovation, compassion, humor and respect for human dignity and diversity. We do this by providing opportunities for networking, education and community outreach.” -- RECAMFT Mission Statement RECAMFT welcomes the participation of therapists of any ethnicity, race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic background, physical ability, national origin and religious affiliation. We also seek to promote awareness and sensitivity among our membership of the diverse nature of our potential clients here in Sonoma County. We ask you, as a presenter at an upcoming RECAMFT meeting, to please consider how your presentation can further our intentions in this respect. Specifically, RECAMFT requests that you use language that is inclusive of all people, and that in your examples or case studies you do your best to discuss diverse clients. Please also take the time to address how your topic might relate to minority populations in addition to majority populations. Thank you in advance for your participation in manifesting our collective desire to be as welcoming as possible to all of our members and our clients and prospective clients.
Submit Your Proposal to Present to RECAMFT
RECAMFT has approximately ten monthly meetings each year (no meeting July/August). We have a speaker at each who gives a presentation which can vary in length from 1.5 to 6 hours. The call for speakers occurs from January 1st to May 31st. We schedule speakers from September to June annually and usually videotape our presenters. Speakers receive an honorarium. Our monthly trainings and events often attract around 100 participants. To apply to be considered as a speaker, please download the Word file below and fill it out, then email to . Please bear in mind the Programs committee must submit a finished schedule of speakers for the fall and spring to the RECAMFT Board for approval at the June Board Meeting. We ask applicants, whose presentations are approved, to work with the Programs committee in May/June to set a date for your presentation. Note: There are specific requirements that we need to get in your presentation proposal in order to evaluate it for our ability to issue continuing education credits to participants, such as a minimum of 2 learning objectives for each hour of instruction, current academic references, and a syllabus, among other items. These are required by the BBS and by CAMFT/CEPA. Please see details in the proposal below. RECAMFT Expense Reimbursement Form (mileage) Sample Power Point for presenters to adapt Please watch this video on how to look good in a Zoom presentation to ensure your presentation space and lighting will look flattering. In 2019 RECAMFT moved its monthly meetings into Odd Fellows largest, nicest auditorium. Here is Ivy Griffin, LMFT presenting on the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in psychotherapy.
Each fall RECAMFT offers a 6 hour workshop. If you, or someone you know would be interested in being considered as a presenter, please email
Below: As the premier CEU provider in Sonoma county, RECAMFT draws big crowds. Please enjoy this slide show featuring RECAMFT members, CAMFT members, and speakers. Author Michelle Minero speaking about her book, The Self-Love Diet: The Only Diet that Really Works, Feb. 2015. | Above: Ivy Griffin, LMFT presenting in RECAMFT's newest monthly venue, Feb. 2019.
Dr. Mary Flett, Fall Conference, DSM-5, Oct. 2014 Jennifer Ballard, LMFT, spoke on Play Therapy, May 2014 Author Jennifer Shannon, LMFT spoke about social anxiety, 2014. |