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RECAMFT 2025 logo

Upcoming events

Check out our awesome 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Celebration video, made by our members! 35 minutes. Here is the link to the video, or just click on the picture below.

Please find RECAMFT's Diversity Statement for Presenters here

RECAMFT Members - VERY IMPORTANT - you must use the same email you joined with when signing up for events.
Using a different email will cause the system to not recognize you are a member, and other issues. Thank you!

Thank you very much to our Majestic Oak and Sweet Bay Sponsors of our March 7, 2025 Law & Ethics

Azure Acres logo

    • 02/14/2025
    • 8:45 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Zoom

    tree with heart shape formed in trunkFEBRUARY BOARD MEETING

    Join the RECAMFT Board of Directors for our monthly meeting, which is held the SECOND Friday of each month from 9 AM - 11 AM.  

    All RECAMFT members are always welcome.

    This meeting is held via Zoom. 

    *Special Notice* February's meeting will begin at 8:45 am.

    To join us, please register here! Registration is required.

    The Zoom link for this meeting will be e-mailed to confirmed attendees before the meeting.

    Please note, no continuing education credits available for board meetings.

    • 02/14/2025
    • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Zoom Virtual Meeting

    colorful illustration of heart made out of flowersCalling all fiber artists, painters, crafters, quilters, woodworkers: Come one, come all!

    Bring your work in progress to RECAMFT's virtual crafting circle!

    • Friday, February 14, 2025
    • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 
    • Zoom Meeting

    Please join us for this opportunity to socially connect with other RECAMFT members in this virtual crafting circle. Bring any project that you're currently working on to this relaxed atmosphere. We can't wait to meet your creative side!

    You should receive a confirmation e-mail after registration that contains the Zoom link to join the Crafting Circle. If you do not receive a Zoom link, please e-mail


    Hosted by Tara D'Orazio, LMFT, Membership Chair

    CE NOTICE: There are no CEs for this event.

      • 02/21/2025
      • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
      • Zoom

      daisies arranged in a heart shape on a stumpCompassion Fatigue Peer Support Group

      Friday, February 21, 2025

      We can support each other!

      • Friday, February 21, 2025
      • 10:30 am - 12 pm Pacific
      • Zoom Meeting

      Within the last 7 years there have been increased stressors for therapist members professionally and personally.  These stressors include but are not limited to:

      • The Tubbs Wildfire and its aftermath
      • The COVID-19 Pandemic
      • Political, racial and world events that have caused unrest and violence and deaths
      • The economic issues that have results from the pandemic and other world events

      Many therapists have taken on an increased caseload to meet the needs that continue to outstrip the capacity of mental health professionals, while navigating working in a very different way online.  In addition, clients' recoveries are slower and their symptoms, stressors and pain are more acute.  

      Come to this group to share your experience and be witnessed by your peers as we navigate this unprecedented time.  This will be a time to not only share what we are experiencing and holding, but to also uplift each other.  Uplifting sharings could include readings, music or art, as well as guest members with healing offerings with body movement, sound, etc.  We will also explore some of the valuable written resources around this topic such as the books Burnout and Trauma Stewardship if there is interest.  We want this group to be what you need and are open to ideas and suggestions.

      Know that you are not alone, and come to be supported, validated and lifted up.

      Pat Hromalik, RECAMFT Director at Large and Compassion Fatigue Group Facilitator

      RECAMFT members, please register for the February Compassion Fatigue Support Group Meeting here. Remember to enter the email address associated with your RECAMFT account to sign in and register for this members-only meeting.

      Please note, this membership event does not qualify for CEs.

      Additional Compassion Fatigue Groups will be held on:

        • 02/28/2025
        • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
        • Zoom
        • 10

        Question mark stylized with fire overlayGot a case that's bothering you? Have you found yourself pondering an ethical dilemma? Join us for the Ethics Roundtable and explore solutions to sticky cases with other colleagues, which is a totally enriching and mutually supportive experience together.  

        If you are a RECAMFT member, come and discuss your ethical situations with colleagues in a confidential setting, and set your mind at ease. You don't have to have a case to discuss, but can just come to gain some knowledge from seasoned colleagues. The Ethics Roundtable will help you feel better and more confident in your clinical work. No CEs, but the 90 minutes will be well spent. 

        • Where: Zoom Meeting
        • When: Fri., February 28, 2025
        • Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
        • You will be sent a Zoom link in your confirmation e-mail.

        About our facilitator

        Gina Culver, LMFT is a past president of RECAMFT.  You can learn more about the Ethics Roundtable, which meets approximately three times each year, here

        Contact Gina at

        Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email

        Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at

        Note: CEs are not provided for participating in the Ethics Roundtable.

        • 03/07/2025
        • 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
        • Oxford Suites Hotel, 67 Golf Course Dr. W., Rohnert Park

        Pink dustpan and gloved hand

        Dust off your skills!

        Don't miss this in-person 6.0 CE Law & Ethics training!

        "Law & Ethics: Refreshing Your Law & Ethics Closet of Knowledge"

        Presented by

        Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq.

        Friday, March 7, 2025

        9:00 am - 4:30 pm

        Please arrive by 8:30 am to sign in

        Qualifies for 6.0 Law & Ethics CEs

        In person: Oxford Suites - Rohnert Park

        Soup & Salad Bar lunch provided

        Fun surprises for everyone! 

        Course Description

        With spring nearly upon us, it’s a great time to dust the cobwebs off your understanding of the laws and ethics governing your practice. In this six-hour presentation, CAMFT Staff Attorney Kristin Roscoe will provide a deep dive into issues concerning advertising and releasing records. From navigating social media and issues of consent to tackling the issues of releasing a minor patient’s records you will have a better understanding of how to approach some of the common issues that may arise in your day-to-day practice.

        Educational Goals

        Participants will gain a greater understanding of the legal and ethical considerations to take into account when a therapist advertises in any form, whether social media or an email signature block. Participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure compliance with BBS advertising regulations so as to avoid common legal pitfalls related to issues such as false or misleading advertising. Participants will better appreciate the ethical decision-making practices they may wish to incorporate in advertising to the public. Participants will receive a comprehensive understanding of the laws and ethics surrounding the release of patient records, including confidentiality, privilege, and consent. Participants will be able to identify and address potential legal and ethical risks in advertising and record-keeping practices.

        Learning Objectives

        By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

        1. Differentiate between BBS enforcement actions and citations
        2. Analyze whether an advertisement violates the California Business and Professions Code and CAMFT Code of Ethics.
        3. Identify the key questions to ask before publishing an advertisement.
        4. Understand the legal requirements for releasing patient records under HIPAA and California law.
        5. Demonstrate the ability to navigate complex scenarios involving patient consent for the release of records.
        6. Develop policies and procedures for their practices to safeguard patient confidentiality, ensure compliance with record-keeping laws, and support court-involved patients while maintaining appropriate boundaries. 

        Thank you to our wonderful Sponsors! Please be sure to stop by their tables and say hello. 

        Azure Acres

        Azure Acres Recovery Center logo


        Duffy's Napa Valley Treatment logo

        Sonoma Napa County Al-Anon

        Sonoma Napa County Al-Anon logo

        Diamond House Detox

        Diamond House logo

        Discovery Behavioral Health

        Discovery Behavioral Health logo

        Willa Wellness Center: Eating Disorder Treatment for Women

        Willa Wellness Center logo

        Olympia House

        Olympia House Sonoma Recovery Services logo

        Training Schedule and Attendance Requirements

        This 6-CE training starts promptly at 9:00am and ends at 4:30pm. Please arrive at 8:30am to allow time for registration. The schedule includes time for lunch and breaks. You will need to be physically present for the entirety of the training, as confirmed by sign-in and sign-out sheets, in order to qualify for the CEs.

        We are not currently planning to live-stream nor record this event. If you would like to participate in this training, please join us in Rohnert Park on March 7th.

        Walk-in registrations are welcome, however no lunch is available for walk-ins. 

        Intended Audience

        This event is designed for licensed mental health professionals and graduate students in the field of psychology, counseling, social work, and related disciplines.

        About Our Speaker - Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq.

        Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq.Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq., CAMFT Staff Attorney, takes CAMFT member phone calls regarding law and ethics issues and contributes articles on those subjects to the Therapist. Before joining CAMFT’s legal team, Kristin represented healthcare professionals in medical malpractice litigation. Since entering the legal profession, Kristin has worked in various capacities presenting to and advocating on behalf of her clients both in and outside of the courtroom. In her free time, Kristin loves spending time with her family outdoors and serves as the Secretary on the Board of Directors for CalWild, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Kristin received her B.A. in Political Science from The College of Wooster in 2006 and graduated from The American University Washington College of Law with her J.D. in 2012. Kristin is licensed to practice law in California and Washington, D.C.


        Regular Registration from February 1 to March 3, 2025. 

        • Licensed RECAMFT Members $89
        • Prelicensed RECAMFT Members $49
        • Emeritus RECAMFT Members $49 (if you qualify for this category [retired MFT, 10 yrs CAMFT member, 5 yrs RECAMFT member] email to register. We are still getting this membership category set up.)
        • Members of Marin CAMFT (code required) $89
        • Non-member clinicians $149

        Late Registration from March 4 to March 6, 2025. 

        • Licensed RECAMFT Members $129
        • Prelicensed RECAMFT Members $60
        • Emeritus RECAMFT Members $60
        • Members of Marin CAMFT (code required) $129
        • Non-member clinicians $169

        Walk-in registration on March 7th is $190; no lunch will be provided.


        Oxford Suites Hotel, Rohnert ParkOxford Suites Hotel is located at

        67 Golf Course Dr. W., Rohnert Park., CA 

        It is on the WEST side of 101, across the street from Amy's Drive Thru. 

        There is ample parking. 

        Map here.

        Note: Wellness Policy

        We care about the health of our community. We have implemented safety precautions to help everyone stay safe, including:

        • Registration limit: We have capped the number of participants who may join this event, at a number which is well below capacity of the event space.
        • Masks are encouraged though not required.
        • We ask that participants stay home if they feel sick the day of the event or if there is a known Covid exposure; we will honor requests for refunds in the event this happens to you.

        We hope these precautions will help you feel comfortable in attending, in case you were hesitating. Please write to if you have any questions about these policies.


        Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT  (Provider #57173) is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. 

        • Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email
        • Refunds: Refunds may be requested up to 7 days before the event by contacting No refunds are given beginning 7 days prior to the event. If a member cannot attend the event due to a mandatory evacuation or Public Safety Power Shut-off the day of the event, they can request and receive a refund with verification of address.
        • CE Certificate: You must be physically present for the entirety of the training, and complete the sign-in and sign-out logs at the beginning and ending of the training in order to verify your attendance in full. After the event, those participants who were confirmed to be in attendance for the entirety of the training will be emailed a course evaluation which you will submit online. Completing the evaluation will give you immediate access and be able to print or save your CE Certificate. This course meets the qualifications for 6.0 hrs of law and ethics continuing education (CE) credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences
        • Notice of Recording: While there are not currently plans to do so for this event, whenever possible, our CE events are recorded or filmed and may appear on our website. Your participation in this event by registering and attending indicates your approval for your likeness to appear in the recording, if any.
        • Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at 

        • 03/14/2025
        • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
        • Zoom

        Looking up from base of circle of redwoodsMARCH BOARD MEETING

        Join the RECAMFT Board of Directors for our monthly meeting, which is held the SECOND Friday of each month from 9 AM - 11 AM.  

        All RECAMFT members are always welcome.

        This meeting is held via Zoom. 

        To join us, please register here! Registration is required.

        The Zoom link for this meeting will be e-mailed to confirmed attendees before the meeting.

        Please note, no continuing education credits available for board meetings.

        • 03/14/2025
        • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
        • Zoom Virtual Meeting

        colored pencils arranged in heart shapeCalling all fiber artists, painters, crafters, quilters, woodworkers: Come one, come all!

        Bring your work in progress to RECAMFT's virtual crafting circle!

        • Friday, March 14, 2025
        • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 
        • Zoom Meeting

        Please join us for this opportunity to socially connect with other RECAMFT members in this virtual crafting circle. Bring any project that you're currently working on to this relaxed atmosphere. We can't wait to meet your creative side!

        You should receive a confirmation e-mail after registration that contains the Zoom link to join the Crafting Circle. If you do not receive a Zoom link, please e-mail


        Hosted by Tara D'Orazio, LMFT, Membership Chair

        CE NOTICE: There are no CEs for this event.

          • 03/21/2025
          • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
          • Zoom

          two people clasping hands reassuringlyCompassion Fatigue Peer Support Group

          Friday, March 21, 2025

          We can support each other!

          • Friday, March 21, 2025
          • 10:30 am - 12 pm Pacific
          • Zoom Meeting

          Within the last 7 years there have been increased stressors for therapist members professionally and personally.  These stressors include but are not limited to:

          • The Tubbs Wildfire and its aftermath
          • The COVID-19 Pandemic
          • Political, racial and world events that have caused unrest and violence and deaths
          • The economic issues that have results from the pandemic and other world events

          Many therapists have taken on an increased caseload to meet the needs that continue to outstrip the capacity of mental health professionals, while navigating working in a very different way online.  In addition, clients' recoveries are slower and their symptoms, stressors and pain are more acute.  

          Come to this group to share your experience and be witnessed by your peers as we navigate this unprecedented time.  This will be a time to not only share what we are experiencing and holding, but to also uplift each other.  Uplifting sharings could include readings, music or art, as well as guest members with healing offerings with body movement, sound, etc.  We will also explore some of the valuable written resources around this topic such as the books Burnout and Trauma Stewardship if there is interest.  We want this group to be what you need and are open to ideas and suggestions.

          Know that you are not alone, and come to be supported, validated and lifted up.

          Pat Hromalik, RECAMFT Director at Large and Compassion Fatigue Group Facilitator

          RECAMFT members, please register for the March Compassion Fatigue Support Group Meeting here. Remember to enter the email address associated with your RECAMFT account to sign in and register for this members-only meeting.

          Please note, this membership event does not qualify for CEs.

          Additional Compassion Fatigue Groups will be held on:

            • 04/04/2025
            • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
            • Zoom Meeting

            brightly colored lightbulbs of different colors

            The Neurodiversity Paradigm and Autistic and ADHDer Adults in Therapy

            Presented by

            Katy Higgins Lee, LMFT

            Friday, April 4th, 2025

            9:00 am - 12:30 pm

            Zoom, 3.0 CEs

            On Zoom

            Course Description

            There is an increasing need and demand for therapists to understand the Neurodiversity Paradigm and to implement neurodiversity-affirming care in practice. Increasing numbers of clients are being diagnosed and/or self-identify with Autism and/or ADHD, but most therapists have had little (or no) training in accurately identifying and supporting these clients.

            This presentation will provide an overview of the Neurodiversity Paradigm and neurodiversity-affirming care, with a focus on Autism and ADHD.

            Educational Goals

            Attendees will understand the Neurodiversity Paradigm, and learn principles of neurodiversity-affirming therapy. Attendees will understand common traits of Autism and ADHD and when to refer for assessments.

            Learning Objectives

            At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
            1. Differentiate between the Pathology Paradigm and the Neurodiversity Paradigm
            2. Name 2 principles of Neurodiversity-Affirming therapy
            3. Name 2 common traits of Autism and 2 common traits of ADHD
            4. Name 2 accommodations to support Autistic and ADHDer clients in therapy

            About Our Speaker

            Katy Higgins Lee, LMFT

            Katy Higgins Lee, LMFTKaty Higgins Lee, LMFT  is a multiply neurodivergent therapist and clinical supervisor in private practice in Northern California. She has been in private practice for nine years and has been a supervisor at the Lomi Psychotherapy Clinic for five years. She is a CAMFT-approved Continuing Education Provider and offers trainings on neurodiversity, with a focus on Autism, ADHD, and Giftedness. She is also a neurodiversity advocate, providing psycho-education through social media. She has a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology, with an emphasis in Somatics, from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her website is


            Zoom Meeting. Requires pre-registration with Zoom using the instructions provided in your RECAMFT confirmation email in order to get your personal Zoom Join Link.


            RSVP here.  Please note that once you have RSVP'd for this event, you will receive a link to register for the Zoom Meeting. You must complete this second Zoom-registration step to gain access to the event link.


            1) Registration for All RECAMFT Members - no charge

            2) Reciprocal registration for members of Marin CAMFT (CODE REQUIRED) - no charge

            3) Other CAMFT Members - Licensed - $45.00

            4) Other CAMFT Members - Pre-Licensed - $21.00

            5) Non-CAMFT Members (general public) - $54.00

            Training Schedule and Attendance Requirements

            Please note, this is a 3.0-CE training, comprised of three hours of training plus time for RECAMFT announcements and a break during the meeting. You must be logged on at the beginning of the training, be present during the event (including responding to attendance checks by coming on camera, verbally replying, and/or replying in the chat), and stay logged on for the full duration, to end at 12:30 pm, in order to earn the CEs. If your camera is off the entire time, and RECAMFT cannot verify you were physically present at your computer throughout the training, then RECAMFT cannot issue a CE certificate, as we would not be able to show that the BBS requirements for your participation were met.


            Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT  (Provider #57173) is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. 

            • Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email
            • Refunds: Refunds may be requested up to 7 days before the event by contacting No refunds are given beginning 7 days prior to the event. If a registrant cannot attend the event due to a mandatory evacuation or Public Safety Power Shut-off the day of the event, they can request and receive a refund with verification of address.
            • CE Certificate: You must be physically present at your computer and watching and/or listening to the training while logged onto the zoom meeting for the entire presentation, and complete a post test and an evaluation to receive your CE credit certificate. Within a week after the conclusion of this educational event, once RECAMFT has processed attendance, an email with a link to the test and evaluation form will be sent to all participants whose physical presence during the online meeting is verified. Once you complete and submit your evaluation, you will have immediate access and be able to print or save your CE Certificate. This course meets the qualifications for 3.0 hrs of continuing education (CE) credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
            • Notice of Recording: Whenever possible, our CE events are recorded or filmed and may appear on our website. Your participation in this event by registering and attending indicates your approval for your likeness to appear in the recording, if any.
            • Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at
            • 04/11/2025
            • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
            • Zoom

            giant redwoods

            Join the RECAMFT Board of Directors for our monthly meeting, which is held the SECOND Friday of each month from 9 AM - 11 AM.  

            All RECAMFT members are always welcome.

            This meeting is held via Zoom. 

            To join us, please register here! Registration is required.

            The Zoom link for this meeting will be e-mailed to confirmed attendees before the meeting.

            Please note, no continuing education credits available for board meetings.

            • 04/11/2025
            • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
            • Zoom Virtual Meeting

            paper art with colorful flowers in collageCalling all fiber artists, painters, crafters, quilters, woodworkers: Come one, come all!

            Bring your work in progress to RECAMFT's virtual crafting circle!

            • Friday, April 11, 2025
            • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 
            • Zoom Meeting

            Please join us for this opportunity to socially connect with other RECAMFT members in this virtual crafting circle. Bring any project that you're currently working on to this relaxed atmosphere. We can't wait to meet your creative side!

            You should receive a confirmation e-mail after registration that contains the Zoom link to join the Crafting Circle. If you do not receive a Zoom link, please e-mail

            REGISTER HERE

            Hosted by Tara D'Orazio, LMFT, Membership Chair

            CE NOTICE: There are no CEs for this event.

              • 04/18/2025
              • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
              • Zoom

              Overhead view of people standing with their feet pointed together in a circleCompassion Fatigue Peer Support Group

              Friday, April 18, 2025

              We can support each other!

              • Friday, April 18, 2025
              • 10:30 am - 12 pm Pacific
              • Zoom Meeting

              Within the last 7 years there have been increased stressors for therapist members professionally and personally.  These stressors include but are not limited to:

              • The Tubbs Wildfire and its aftermath
              • The COVID-19 Pandemic
              • Political, racial and world events that have caused unrest and violence and deaths
              • The economic issues that have results from the pandemic and other world events

              Many therapists have taken on an increased caseload to meet the needs that continue to outstrip the capacity of mental health professionals, while navigating working in a very different way online.  In addition, clients' recoveries are slower and their symptoms, stressors and pain are more acute.  

              Come to this group to share your experience and be witnessed by your peers as we navigate this unprecedented time.  This will be a time to not only share what we are experiencing and holding, but to also uplift each other.  Uplifting sharings could include readings, music or art, as well as guest members with healing offerings with body movement, sound, etc.  We will also explore some of the valuable written resources around this topic such as the books Burnout and Trauma Stewardship if there is interest.  We want this group to be what you need and are open to ideas and suggestions.

              Know that you are not alone, and come to be supported, validated and lifted up.

              Pat Hromalik, RECAMFT Director at Large and Compassion Fatigue Group Facilitator

              RECAMFT members, please register for the April Compassion Fatigue Support Group Meeting here. Remember to enter the email address associated with your RECAMFT account to sign in and register for this members-only meeting.

              Please note, this membership event does not qualify for CEs.

              Additional Compassion Fatigue Groups will be held on:

                • 04/25/2025
                • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
                • Zoom
                • 12

                dark hall with lit doorway at other endGot a case that's bothering you? Have you found yourself pondering an ethical dilemma? Join us for the Ethics Roundtable and explore solutions to sticky cases with other colleagues, which is a totally enriching and mutually supportive experience together.  

                If you are a RECAMFT member, come and discuss your ethical situations with colleagues in a confidential setting, and set your mind at ease. You don't have to have a case to discuss, but can just come to gain some knowledge from seasoned colleagues. The Ethics Roundtable will help you feel better and more confident in your clinical work. No CEs, but the 90 minutes will be well spent. 

                • Where: Zoom Meeting
                • When: Fri., April 25, 2025
                • Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
                • You will be sent a Zoom link in your confirmation e-mail.

                About our facilitator

                Gina Culver, LMFT is a past president of RECAMFT.  You can learn more about the Ethics Roundtable, which meets approximately three times each year, here

                Contact Gina at

                Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email

                Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at

                Note: CEs are not provided for participating in the Ethics Roundtable.

                • 05/09/2025
                • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
                • Zoom

                Daisies in a heart shape on a stump.
                MAY BOARD MEETING

                Join the RECAMFT Board of Directors for our monthly meeting, which is held the SECOND Friday of each month from 9 AM - 11 AM.  

                All RECAMFT members are always welcome.

                This meeting is held via Zoom. 

                To join us, please register here! Registration is required.

                The Zoom link for this meeting will be e-mailed to confirmed attendees before the meeting.

                Please note, no continuing education credits available for board meetings.

                • 05/09/2025
                • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
                • Zoom Virtual Meeting

                assorted craft supplies colored paper, scissors, pensCalling all fiber artists, painters, crafters, quilters, woodworkers: Come one, come all!

                Bring your work in progress to RECAMFT's virtual crafting circle!

                • Friday, May 9, 2025
                • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 
                • Zoom Meeting

                Please join us for this opportunity to socially connect with other RECAMFT members in this virtual crafting circle. Bring any project that you're currently working on to this relaxed atmosphere. We can't wait to meet your creative side!

                You should receive a confirmation e-mail after registration that contains the Zoom link to join the Crafting Circle. If you do not receive a Zoom link, please e-mail

                REGISTER HERE

                Hosted by Tara D'Orazio, LMFT, Membership Chair

                CE NOTICE: There are no CEs for this event.

                  • 05/16/2025
                  • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
                  • Zoom

                  A light-skinned hand and a dark-skinned hand joined together in heart shape silhouetted against skyCompassion Fatigue Peer Support Group

                  Friday, May 16, 2025

                  We can support each other!

                  • Friday, May 16, 2025
                  • 10:30 am - 12 pm Pacific
                  • Zoom Meeting

                  Within the last 7 years there have been increased stressors for therapist members professionally and personally.  These stressors include but are not limited to:

                  • The Tubbs Wildfire and its aftermath
                  • The COVID-19 Pandemic
                  • Political, racial and world events that have caused unrest and violence and deaths
                  • The economic issues that have results from the pandemic and other world events

                  Many therapists have taken on an increased caseload to meet the needs that continue to outstrip the capacity of mental health professionals, while navigating working in a very different way online.  In addition, clients' recoveries are slower and their symptoms, stressors and pain are more acute.  

                  Come to this group to share your experience and be witnessed by your peers as we navigate this unprecedented time.  This will be a time to not only share what we are experiencing and holding, but to also uplift each other.  Uplifting sharings could include readings, music or art, as well as guest members with healing offerings with body movement, sound, etc.  We will also explore some of the valuable written resources around this topic such as the books Burnout and Trauma Stewardship if there is interest.  We want this group to be what you need and are open to ideas and suggestions.

                  Know that you are not alone, and come to be supported, validated and lifted up.

                  Pat Hromalik, RECAMFT Director at Large and Compassion Fatigue Group Facilitator

                  RECAMFT members, please register for the May Compassion Fatigue Support Group Meeting here. Remember to enter the email address associated with your RECAMFT account to sign in and register for this members-only meeting.

                  Please note, this membership event does not qualify for CEs.

                  Additional Compassion Fatigue Groups will be held on:

                  Look for more groups scheduled for the fall.

                    • 06/13/2025
                    • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
                    • Zoom

                    rainbow colored hot air balloonJUNE BOARD MEETING

                    Join the RECAMFT Board of Directors for our monthly meeting, which is held the SECOND Friday of each month from 9 AM - 11 AM.  

                    All RECAMFT members are always welcome.

                    This meeting is held via Zoom. 

                    To join us, please register here! Registration is required.

                    The Zoom link for this meeting will be e-mailed to confirmed attendees before the meeting.

                    Please note, no continuing education credits available for board meetings.

                    • 06/13/2025
                    • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
                    • Zoom Virtual Meeting

                    Two hands shaping colored clay into a rainbowCalling all fiber artists, painters, crafters, quilters, woodworkers: Come one, come all!

                    Bring your work in progress to RECAMFT's virtual crafting circle!

                    • Friday, June 13, 2025
                    • 11:30 am - 12:30 pm 
                    • Zoom Meeting

                    Please join us for this opportunity to socially connect with other RECAMFT members in this virtual crafting circle. Bring any project that you're currently working on to this relaxed atmosphere. We can't wait to meet your creative side!

                    You should receive a confirmation e-mail after registration that contains the Zoom link to join the Crafting Circle. If you do not receive a Zoom link, please e-mail

                    REGISTER HERE

                    Hosted by Tara D'Orazio, LMFT, Membership Chair

                    CE NOTICE: There are no CEs for this event.

                      • 06/20/2025
                      • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
                      • Zoom

                      Hand holding up a heart token colored in rainbow huesCompassion Fatigue Peer Support Group

                      Friday, June 20, 2025

                      We can support each other!

                      • Friday, June 20, 2025
                      • 10:30 am - 12 pm Pacific
                      • Zoom Meeting

                      Within the last 7 years there have been increased stressors for therapist members professionally and personally.  These stressors include but are not limited to:

                      • The Tubbs Wildfire and its aftermath
                      • The COVID-19 Pandemic
                      • Political, racial and world events that have caused unrest and violence and deaths
                      • The economic issues that have results from the pandemic and other world events

                      Many therapists have taken on an increased caseload to meet the needs that continue to outstrip the capacity of mental health professionals, while navigating working in a very different way online.  In addition, clients' recoveries are slower and their symptoms, stressors and pain are more acute.  

                      Come to this group to share your experience and be witnessed by your peers as we navigate this unprecedented time.  This will be a time to not only share what we are experiencing and holding, but to also uplift each other.  Uplifting sharings could include readings, music or art, as well as guest members with healing offerings with body movement, sound, etc.  We will also explore some of the valuable written resources around this topic such as the books Burnout and Trauma Stewardship if there is interest.  We want this group to be what you need and are open to ideas and suggestions.

                      Know that you are not alone, and come to be supported, validated and lifted up.

                      Pat Hromalik, RECAMFT Director at Large and Compassion Fatigue Group Facilitator

                      RECAMFT members, please register for the June Compassion Fatigue Support Group Meeting here. Remember to enter the email address associated with your RECAMFT account to sign in and register for this members-only meeting.

                      Please note, this membership event does not qualify for CEs.

                      Additional Compassion Fatigue Groups will be announced soon.

                        • 09/26/2025
                        • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
                        • Zoom
                        • 12

                        Illustration with hand holding key and thought bubbles: Where, What, Why, How, When, WhoGot a case that's bothering you? Have you found yourself pondering an ethical dilemma? Join us for the Ethics Roundtable and explore solutions to sticky cases with other colleagues, which is a totally enriching and mutually supportive experience together.  

                        If you are a RECAMFT member, come and discuss your ethical situations with colleagues in a confidential setting, and set your mind at ease. You don't have to have a case to discuss, but can just come to gain some knowledge from seasoned colleagues. The Ethics Roundtable will help you feel better and more confident in your clinical work. No CEs, but the 90 minutes will be well spent. 

                        • Where: Zoom Meeting
                        • When: Fri., September 26, 2025
                        • Time: 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
                        • You will be sent a Zoom link in your confirmation e-mail.

                        About our facilitator

                        Gina Culver, LMFT is a past president of RECAMFT.  You can learn more about the Ethics Roundtable, which meets approximately three times each year, here

                        Contact Gina at

                        Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email

                        Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at

                        Note: CEs are not provided for participating in the Ethics Roundtable.

                      Past events

                      02/07/2025 "Identifying and Treating Imposter Syndrome" with Stevon Lewis, LMFT 2 CEs
                      01/17/2025 January Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      01/10/2025 January Members Crafting Group
                      01/10/2025 RECAMFT January 2025 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      01/03/2025 Last chance! Don't miss Dr. Robin Zasio, PsyD, from A&E's "Hoarders" and Joy Alafia, CAMFT Exec. Dir. IN-PERSON at RECAMFT's 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee & Annual Members Meeting, Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Rosa, lunch, 10 am to 2 pm, $35/$10
                      12/20/2024 December Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      12/13/2024 December Members Crafting Group
                      12/13/2024 RECAMFT December 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      12/06/2024 "Are They Really SO OCD? Identifying and Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" with Steven D. Tsao, PhD, 3 CEs
                      11/15/2024 November Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      11/08/2024 November Members Crafting Group
                      11/08/2024 RECAMFT November 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      11/01/2024 "Affirmative Family Therapy with Gender Diverse People and Their Loved Ones" with Shawn Giammattei, PhD, 2 CEs, Zoom
                      10/25/2024 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation, Zoom
                      10/11/2024 October Members Crafting Group
                      10/11/2024 RECAMFT October 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      10/05/2024 "Breaking Free: A Therapist's Guide to Moving Beyond Insurance Panels" with Phylis Wakefield, PhD, via Zoom
                      09/13/2024 September Members Crafting Group
                      09/13/2024 RECAMFT September 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      09/06/2024 "How Sexuality Influences The Clinical Picture For Female Clients" with Dr. Jenn Kennedy, LMFT, 2 CEs, Zoom
                      08/23/2024 RECAMFT Aug. Board Day-Long Retreat 8/23 10-4:00, in person
                      06/21/2024 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation, Zoom
                      06/21/2024 June Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      06/14/2024 June Members Crafting Group
                      06/14/2024 RECAMFT June 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      06/07/2024 "Three Underlying Beliefs That Cause Anxiety and How to Change Them, a CBT Approach" with Jennifer Shannon, LMFT, 2 CEs, Zoom
                      06/01/2024 PRIDE!! Join us for Sonoma Cty PRIDE Parade! Sat., June 1st
                      05/17/2024 May Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      05/10/2024 May Members Crafting Group
                      05/10/2024 RECAMFT May 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      05/03/2024 "No Shortcuts: Gen-Z and the Hero's Journey" with Teresa Bertoncin, LMFT, LPCC, 2 CEs
                      04/19/2024 April Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      04/12/2024 April Members Crafting Group
                      04/12/2024 RECAMFT April 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      04/05/2024 "Ketamine and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - New Options for Treating Suicidal Ideation" with Suegee Tamar-Mattis, DO and colleagues, 2 CEs
                      03/30/2024 "Law & Ethics: SCU (Special Compliance Unit) - How to Face Malpractice Lawsuits, BBS Complaints, and Ethics Complaints with Clarity and Confidence, BONUS: What you need to know about Medicare!" with Bradley Muldrow, Esq., 6 L&E CEs
                      03/15/2024 March Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      03/08/2024 March Members Crafting Group
                      03/08/2024 RECAMFT March 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/23/2024 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation, Zoom
                      02/16/2024 February Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      02/09/2024 February Members Crafting Group
                      02/09/2024 RECAMFT February 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/02/2024 Beyond BPD: Integrating DBT Skills into Comprehensive Psychotherapy Across Ages and Settings with Danah Davis Williams, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      01/19/2024 January Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      01/12/2024 January Members Crafting Group
                      01/12/2024 RECAMFT January 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom
                      01/05/2024 Attachment Infused Addiction Treatment with Mary Crocker Cook, PhD, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      01/05/2024 Happy 50th!!! RECAMFT 2024 Annual Members Meeting: Meet the new Board; Awards; Town Hall Q&A
                      12/15/2023 December Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      12/13/2023 Peer-Led Discussion Group: Gender Queer, A Memoir
                      12/08/2023 December Members Crafting Group
                      12/08/2023 RECAMFT December Board Meeting via Zoom
                      12/01/2023 Working with Dissociative Disorders & Plural Communities with Serenity Serseción, PhD, 4 CEs
                      11/17/2023 November Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      11/10/2023 November Members Crafting Group
                      11/10/2023 RECAMFT November Board Meeting via Zoom
                      11/03/2023 Working with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy with Peter Cellarius, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      10/27/2023 Law & Ethics: "How to Avoid Being Sued! Staying Out of Legal Trouble with Clients, Employees, and 3rd Party Organizations" with Luke Martin, Esq., 6 L&E CEs
                      10/20/2023 October Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      10/13/2023 Recording: CAMFT State of the Profession October
                      10/13/2023 October Members Crafting Group
                      10/13/2023 RECAMFT October Board Meeting via Zoom
                      10/11/2023 "Live" Zoom Event: CAMFT State of the Profession October 2023
                      10/06/2023 The Justice Project: Antiracism through the Works of Ibram Kendi and Ava DuVernay, with Dr. Shawan Worsley, 3 CEs
                      09/29/2023 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      09/22/2023 CAMFT Road To Licensure September 2023
                      09/15/2023 September Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      09/08/2023 September Members Crafting Group
                      09/08/2023 RECAMFT September Board Meeting via Zoom
                      09/01/2023 Affirmative Therapy with Trans and/or Nonbinary Clients with Sand Chang, Phd, 2 CEs
                      08/18/2023 RECAMFT Aug. Board Day-Long Retreat 8/18 10-4:30, in person
                      06/24/2023 Rustic Ranch Reunion - An Enchanting Afternoon of friendly faces, horse encounters, and BBQ - Free!
                      06/23/2023 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      06/16/2023 June Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      06/09/2023 RECAMFT June Board Meeting via Zoom
                      06/02/2023 "What Every Therapist Needs to Know about Black Folks and Other People of Color (BIPOC)" 6 CEs with Shawn LaRé Brinkley, LMFT
                      05/26/2023 CAMFT Road To Licensure May 2023
                      05/19/2023 May Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      05/13/2023 Telehealth: Law & Ethics, Technology, and Best Practices for Connecting with Your Clients, 3 CEs
                      05/12/2023 May Members Crafting Group
                      05/12/2023 RECAMFT May Board Meeting via Zoom
                      05/05/2023 May 3000 Hour Club Walk & Talk - free for Prelicensed Members
                      05/05/2023 Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - Update on a Transformative Treatment Option, with German Ascani, MD et al., 2 CEs
                      04/21/2023 April Compassion Fatigue Peer Support Group Meeting
                      04/15/2023 RECAMFT Members Outdoors Group: Spring Lake
                      04/14/2023 April Members Crafting Group
                      04/14/2023 RECAMFT April Board Meeting via Zoom
                      04/07/2023 Treatment Resistant Depression and Psychosis : A Biopsychosocial Perspective with Anish Shah, MD, 3 CEs
                      03/24/2023 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      03/14/2023 RECAMFT Special Meeting of the Board via Zoom
                      03/10/2023 March Members Crafting Group
                      03/10/2023 RECAMFT Members Outdoors Group
                      03/10/2023 RECAMFT March Board Meeting via Zoom
                      03/03/2023 March 3000 Hour Club Speaker Series - free for Prelicensed Members
                      03/03/2023 Transforming Trauma: The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) for Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resolving Complex Trauma, with Brad Kammer, LMFT, 4 CEs
                      02/10/2023 RECAMFT February Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/03/2023 February 3000 Hour Club Speaker Series - free for Prelicensed Members
                      02/03/2023 February Members Crafting Group
                      02/03/2023 Seductions and Arrogance: Client Presentations and Therapist Vulnerabilities that Lead to Legal and Ethical Violations, with Ronald Mah, PhD, LMFT 2 CEs LAW & ETHICS
                      01/13/2023 January Members Crafting Group
                      01/13/2023 RECAMFT January Board Meeting via Zoom
                      01/06/2023 January 3000 Hour Club Speaker Series - free for Prelicensed Members
                      01/06/2023 RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: Meet the new Board; Town Hall Q&A
                      01/06/2023 Treatment Resistant Depression and Psychosis : A Biopsychosocial Perspective with Anish Shah, MD, 3 CEs
                      12/09/2022 December Members Crafting Group
                      12/09/2022 RECAMFT December Board Meeting via Zoom
                      12/02/2022 December 3000 Hour Club Walk & Talk - free for Prelicensed Members
                      12/02/2022 Affirmative Therapy with Trans/Gender Expansive Clients with Melle Browning, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      11/11/2022 November Members Crafting Group
                      11/11/2022 RECAMFT November Board Meeting via Zoom
                      11/04/2022 November 3000 Hour Club Walk & Talk - free for Prelicensed Members
                      11/04/2022 Therapy with South Asian American Women with Shipra Maurya, PsyD, 2 CEs
                      10/21/2022 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      10/14/2022 October Members Crafting Group
                      10/14/2022 RECAMFT October Board Meeting via Zoom
                      10/07/2022 October 3000 Hour Club Walk & Talk - free for Prelicensed Members
                      10/07/2022 Recording: CAMFT State of the Profession October
                      10/07/2022 Level Up: Rejuvenate Your Clinical Work by Transforming Your Expertise into a Marketable CE Training Program with Lisa Wenninger, APCC, 2 hrs
                      10/05/2022 "Live" Zoom Event: CAMFT State of the Profession October 2022
                      09/20/2022 Recording: CAMFT Road To Licensure September 2022
                      09/16/2022 "Live" Zoom Event: CAMFT Road To Licensure September 2022
                      09/09/2022 RECAMFT September Board Meeting
                      08/12/2022 RECAMFT Aug. Board Day-long Retreat - in person, Occidental, CA, 10-4
                      07/11/2022 Expires 12/31/22! RECORDING OF "Law & Ethics: What Should Be In Your Notes" with Barbara Griswold, LMFT (held on 6/24/22), 3 CEs
                      07/11/2022 Expires 12/31/22! RECORDING OF "Law & Ethics: How to Write a 10-Minute Treatment Plan" with Barbara Griswold, LMFT (held on 6/25/22), 3 CEs
                      06/25/2022 "Law & Ethics: How to Write a 10-Minute Treatment Plan" with Barbara Griswold, LMFT, Sat. June 25, 3 CEs
                      06/24/2022 "Law & Ethics: What Should Be In Your Notes" with Barbara Griswold, LMFT, Fri. June 24, 3 CEs
                      06/18/2022 June Pre-Licensed Walk & Talk Collaborative *CANCELLED*
                      06/17/2022 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      06/11/2022 Peer-led Discussion Group: How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
                      06/10/2022 June Members Crafting Group
                      06/10/2022 RECAMFT June Board Meeting via Zoom
                      06/03/2022 The Justice Project presents Antiracism Consultation Group Demonstration with Dr. Shawan Worsley, PhD, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      05/21/2022 May Pre-Licensed Walk & Talk Collaborative
                      05/21/2022 The Justice Project presents "How to Be An Antiracist (Psychotherapist)" Discussion Group with Dr. Shawan Worsley, PhD, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      05/20/2022 Peer-Led Discussion Group: 13th: From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment
                      05/16/2022 Recording: CAMFT Road To Licensure May 2022
                      05/13/2022 "Live" Zoom Event: CAMFT Road To Licensure May 2022
                      05/13/2022 May Members Crafting Group
                      05/13/2022 RECAMFT May Board Meeting via Zoom
                      05/12/2022 Community, Mental Health, and Law Enforcement: An Informal Discussion
                      05/06/2022 Modern Day Alchemy: Creativity & Transformation with Felicia Matto-Shepard, LMFT, 1.5 CEs
                      04/22/2022 The Justice Project presents "Antiracism through the Lens of Ava DuVernay's '13th'" with Dr. Shawan Worsley, PhD, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      04/16/2022 April Pre-Licensed Walk & Talk Collaborative
                      04/08/2022 April Members Crafting Group
                      04/08/2022 RECAMFT April Board Meeting via Zoom
                      04/01/2022 "Found At Sea: Depth Psychotherapy for Unfathomed Times" with Molly Merson, LMFT, 2 CEs
                      03/25/2022 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      03/19/2022 March Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      03/18/2022 DON'T MISS! Author Francis Weller, LMFT "An Apprenticeship with Sorrow", 6 CEs
                      03/11/2022 March Members Crafting Group
                      03/11/2022 RECAMFT March Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/27/2022 RECAMFT Special Meeting of the Board via Zoom 2/27/22, 11 am
                      02/25/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      02/19/2022 February Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      02/15/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      02/11/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      02/11/2022 February Members Crafting Group
                      02/11/2022 RECAMFT February Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/04/2022 Using the Body to Regulate Emotion: Perspectives from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) with Suzette Bray, LMFT, 1.5 CEs
                      02/01/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      01/28/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      01/22/2022 January Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      01/18/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      01/14/2022 Members Paperwork Soiree
                      01/14/2022 January Members Crafting Group
                      01/14/2022 RECAMFT January Board Meeting via Zoom
                      01/07/2022 RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: Meet the new Board; Town Hall Q&A
                      01/07/2022 "Al-Anon Family Groups provide support and recovery for family and friends impacted by a loved one’s addiction" with Bob Dalzell & panel, 2 CEs
                      12/18/2021 December Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      12/10/2021 December Members Crafting Group
                      12/10/2021 RECAMFT December Board Meeting via Zoom
                      12/03/2021 "Cultural Competency: Working with First Responders" with Joel Fay, PsyD; 2 CEs
                      11/20/2021 November Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      11/19/2021 RECAMFT Fire Season Support Group, led by Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT
                      11/19/2021 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      11/12/2021 RECAMFT November Board Meeting via Zoom
                      11/06/2021 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation Series for Members - FREE - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      11/05/2021 "Trauma and the Neuroendocrine Cascade" with Dr. Rick Olcese, PsyD, Neuropsychologist 3 CEs
                      10/23/2021 RECAMFT Fire Season Support Group, led by Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT
                      10/22/2021 October Members Crafting Group
                      10/16/2021 October Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      10/15/2021 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation Series for Members - FREE - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      10/08/2021 RECAMFT October Board Meeting via Zoom
                      10/05/2021 RECAMFT Fire Season Support Group, led by Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT
                      10/04/2021 October 2021 CAMFT Presentation Recording: Road To Licensure
                      10/02/2021 October CAMFT Live Presentation: Road To Licensure
                      10/01/2021 A Conversation about Energetic Boundaries with Merle Yost, LMFT, 1.5 CEs
                      09/27/2021 2021 CAMFT Presentation Recording: State of the Profession
                      09/24/2021 2021 CAMFT Live Presentation: State of the Profession
                      09/18/2021 September Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      09/17/2021 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      09/13/2021 RECAMFT Fire Season Support Group, led by Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT
                      09/10/2021 September Members Crafting Group
                      09/10/2021 RECAMFT September Board Meeting via Zoom
                      09/04/2021 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation Series for Members - FREE - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      09/03/2021 The Intersection of Diversity Issues, Mindful Facilitation & Group Process with Lee Mun Wah; 3 CEs
                      08/20/2021 RECAMFT Annual Board Retreat, 10-3 on Zoom - focus: Strategic Planning
                      08/11/2021 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation Series for Members - FREE - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      07/26/2021 2021 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop RECORDING: Writing Letters/Opinions and Treatment of Minors
                      07/23/2021 2021 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop: Writing Letters/Opinions and Treatment of Minors
                      06/28/2021 2021 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop RECORDING: Testifying and Record Keeping
                      06/25/2021 2021 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop: Testifying and Record Keeping
                      06/19/2021 June Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      06/11/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      06/11/2021 RECAMFT June Board Meeting via Zoom
                      06/04/2021 "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Evidence-Based Treatment Strategies That Work!" with Dr. Robin Zasio; 3 CEs
                      05/15/2021 May Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      05/14/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      05/14/2021 RECAMFT May Board Meeting via Zoom
                      05/07/2021 "23 Ways to Protect Your License From Licensing Board Investigations and From Civil Lawsuits" with Dr. Zur; 2 L&E CEs
                      04/17/2021 April Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      04/09/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      04/09/2021 RECAMFT April Board Meeting via Zoom
                      04/02/2021 "Winnocott Goes Viral: A Look at Early Relationships Through Viral Videos" with Orit Weksler, LMFT, FREE event, 2 CEs
                      03/29/2021 Members Co-Working Session
                      03/23/2021 2021 CAMFT Presentation Recording: Road To Licensure
                      03/20/2021 2021 CAMFT Live Presentation: Road To Licensure
                      03/19/2021 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation
                      03/12/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      03/12/2021 RECAMFT March Board Meeting via Zoom
                      03/05/2021 "Providing Effective Therapy to Clients with Autism" with Haleigh Scott, PhD; 3 CEs
                      02/20/2021 Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      02/12/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      02/12/2021 RECAMFT February Board Meeting via Zoom
                      02/06/2021 "Porn and Relationships: Taking a Sex-Positive Approach" with Diane Gleim, LMFT, CST; 3 CEs, $30 for Non-RECAMFT Members
                      01/21/2021 RECAMFT Peer Support
                      01/16/2021 Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      01/15/2021 Members Crafting Group
                      01/15/2021 RECAMFT January Board Meeting via Zoom
                      01/08/2021 "Brainspotting: Trauma Therapy that Works!" with Lisa Larson, LMFT; 3 CEs, $30 for Non-RECAMFT Members
                      12/19/2020 Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      12/11/2020 Crafting Group
                      12/11/2020 RECAMFT December Board Meeting via Zoom
                      12/04/2020 "Motivational Interviewing: A Brief and Interactive Introduction" with Suzanne D. Alfandari, LMFT; 3 CEs, $30 for Non-RECAMFT Members
                      11/20/2020 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation WebX event!
                      11/14/2020 Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      11/13/2020 Crafting Group
                      11/07/2020 "What EVERY Therapist Should Know About Insurance, Including a Telehealth Billing Update" with Barbara Griswold, LMFT, 3 hrs, $30 for Non-CAMFT Members
                      11/06/2020 RECAMFT Online November Networking - Zoom meeting
                      10/17/2020 Pre-Licensed Collaborative
                      10/09/2020 Crafting Group
                      10/02/2020 Couples Therapy In The Age Of COVID: When Old Problems Require New Solutions, with Dr. Marty Klein, PhD, Fri. & Sat., Oct 2 & 3rd, 2020, 6 CEs
                      09/22/2020 Bring Your Own Book
                      09/18/2020 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation WebX event!
                      09/17/2020 Crafting Group
                      09/16/2020 Late Happy Hour
                      09/13/2020 Puzzle Brunch
                      09/11/2020 Crafting Group
                      09/04/2020 RECAMFT Online September Town Hall - Zoom meeting
                      07/31/2020 RECAMFT July Board Meeting: Day-long retreat on Zoom (whee! ;-))
                      07/24/2020 Anti-Racism Therapy: Moving Beyond Cultural Competence, 1.5 CEs, RPA Zoom event promoted by RECAMFT
                      06/12/2020 RECAMFT June Board Meeting via Zoom
                      06/05/2020 RECAMFT Online Community Town Hall Chat - Zoom meeting
                      05/08/2020 RECAMFT May Board Meeting via Zoom
                      04/10/2020 RECAMFT April Board Meeting
                      03/20/2020 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation event!
                      03/13/2020 RECAMFT March Board Meeting
                      03/07/2020 Walk & Talk for Prelicensed folks - FREE event, Sebastopol
                      03/06/2020 Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy-The New Frontier: A Highly Effective Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Suicidality, and End-of-Life Existential Angst with Christina Ingenito, LCSW & Jim Matto-Shepard, PhD, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT
                      02/15/2020 Walk & Talk for Prelicensed folks - FREE event, Sebastopol
                      02/14/2020 RECAMFT February Board Meeting
                      02/07/2020 Understanding How Military Service Affects Families with John Schempf, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      02/01/2020 Walk & Talk for Prelicensed folks - FREE event, Sebastopol
                      01/31/2020 2020 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop: Staying on the Good Side of the BBS with David Jensen, JD, Fri., Jan. 31, 2020, 6 CEs
                      01/10/2020 RECAMFT January Board Meeting
                      01/03/2020 Identifying the Effects of Hormones and Metabolism on Psychological States Throughout the Life Cycle with Jane Kennedy, CFNP, MN, MPH, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/03/2020 Celebrate! RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: fun, surprises and live music! FREE event!!
                      12/13/2019 RECAMFT December Board Meeting
                      12/06/2019 Compassion and Burnout with Andy Wallace, PhD, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      11/15/2019 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation event!
                      11/08/2019 RECAMFT November Board Meeting
                      11/01/2019 A time to reflect, debrief and reconnect as a healing community with Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      10/11/2019 RECAMFT October Board Meeting
                      10/04/2019 Divorce Options: Helping your Client Navigate the Emotional Impact of Divorce with Randy Cheek, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      09/27/2019 Suicide Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention: New Research, New Approaches with Ben Caldwell, PsyD, LMFT, 6 CEs
                      09/20/2019 Got a sticky case? Come discuss it with colleagues - confidentially - at the Ethics Roundtable, FREE case consultation event!
                      09/13/2019 RECAMFT September Board Meeting
                      09/06/2019 Working Effectively with Clients Raised in Narcissistic Families with Dan Neuharth, PhD, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      08/11/2019 3rd Annual Summer Membership Picnic and Swim Party! All welcome, Sun., 8/11, 1-4 pm, Sebastopol, FREE EVENT!
                      07/29/2019 Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Training: An extension of Psychological First Aid with Dr. Patricia Watson & Dr. Joe Ruzek, 12 CEs, $40, July 29 + 30, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Santa Rosa
                      07/26/2019 RECAMFT July Board Meeting: Day-long retreat in Sebastopol, CA
                      06/14/2019 RECAMFT June Board Meeting
                      06/07/2019 Accessing Resources, Integrating Role Play into Your Work with Sylvia Israel, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      06/07/2019 Reception for 2017-2018 CAMFT Pres. Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFT, FREE event, 10:30 am before the June 7th Speaker Meeting - All welcome!
                      05/20/2019 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      05/10/2019 RECAMFT May Board Meeting
                      05/03/2019 Introduction to the Hakomi Method with Wally Phillips, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      05/03/2019 Reception for Pres. Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT, FREE event, 10:30 am before the May 3rd Speaker Meeting - All welcome!
                      04/15/2019 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      04/12/2019 RECAMFT April Board Meeting
                      04/05/2019 Current Research and its Application to Effective Treatment for Sex Addicts and Their Partners with Tim Stein, LMFT & Jeanne Vattuone, LCSW, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      03/22/2019 Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Training: An extension of Psychological First Aid with Dr. Patricia Watson & Dr. Joe Ruzek, 12 CEs, $40, Mar. 22+23, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Santa Rosa
                      03/18/2019 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      03/08/2019 RECAMFT March Board Meeting
                      03/01/2019 What’s Up With Men? An Attempt at a Deeper Understanding and Solution to the Problems Men Create with Joe Petzel, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      02/15/2019 RECAMFT February Board Meeting (CORRECTED)
                      02/01/2019 Working With the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in Psychotherapy with Ivy Griffin, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/25/2019 2019 Legal & Ethical Issues Workshop: The Psychotherapist as a Creator of Outcomes with David Jensen, JD, Fri., Jan. 25, 2019, 6 CEs
                      01/11/2019 RECAMFT January Board Meeting
                      01/04/2019 Cultivating Empowerment: Preventing Suicide in the LGBTQ Communities Using LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy with Rick Grant-Coons, PsyD, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/04/2019 Celebrate! RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: fun, surprises and live music! FREE event!!
                      12/14/2018 RECAMFT December Board Meeting
                      12/07/2018 My Client is Dying - What Do I Say or Do? with Jill Johnson-Young, LCSW, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      11/09/2018 RECAMFT November Board Meeting
                      11/02/2018 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) with Fran Wickner, PhD, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      11/01/2018 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      10/12/2018 RECAMFT October Board Meeting
                      10/05/2018 The Silver Lining of Infidelity with Talal Alsaleem, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      10/04/2018 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      10/04/2018 Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Training: An extension of Psychological First Aid with Dr. Patricia Watson & Dr. Joe Ruzek, 12 CEs, $40, 10/4-5/18, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Santa Rosa
                      09/14/2018 RECAMFT September Board Meeting
                      09/07/2018 10 Building Blocks to Creating the Private Practice of Your Dreams with Sherry Shockey-Pope, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      09/06/2018 Forest Bathing Walks for Fire Survivors - FREE - Sugarloaf Park - Led by Susan Karle, LMFT
                      08/12/2018 2nd Annual Summer Membership Picnic and Swim Party! All welcome, Sun., 8/12, 1-4 pm, Sebastopol, FREE EVENT!
                      07/27/2018 Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR), $40, 12 CEs, Fri/Sat July 27-28, 8:30-4:30
                      07/20/2018 RECAMFT July Board Meeting: Day-long retreat in Occidental, CA
                      06/30/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/26/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/23/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/19/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/16/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/12/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/09/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/08/2018 RECAMFT June Board Meeting
                      06/05/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/02/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      06/01/2018 Psychotherapy for a Changing Planet with Leslie Davenport, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      05/29/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/26/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/22/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/19/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      05/19/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/15/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/12/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      05/12/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/11/2018 RECAMFT May Board Meeting
                      05/08/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/05/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      05/05/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      05/04/2018 The Effect of Gender on Male Depression and Suicide: Diagnostic Issues and Integrative Therapeutic Approaches with Dr. Bruce Feingold, PhD, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      05/01/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/28/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      04/28/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/24/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/21/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      04/21/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/21/2018 Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) Training: An extension of Psychological First Aid with Dr. Patricia Watson & Dr. Joe Ruzek, 12 CEs, $40, 4/21-22/18, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Santa Rosa
                      04/17/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/14/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      04/14/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/13/2018 RECAMFT April Board Meeting
                      04/10/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/07/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      04/07/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      04/06/2018 Surrogate Partner Therapy Demystified with Annie Chen, LMFT, Barbara Ochsner-Walsh, LMFT, & Cheryl Cohen Green, DHS, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      04/03/2018 Trauma Informed Yoga and iRest Meditation for Fire Survivors - FREE - Tue/Sat - Led by Hannah Caratti, LMFT
                      03/31/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      03/24/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      03/17/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      03/10/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      03/09/2018 RECAMFT March Board Meeting
                      03/03/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      03/02/2018 “The Deepest Well”: Reducing the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Sonoma County with Mary Kelly Persyn, PhD, JD, and Nick Dalton, Hanna Institute, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      02/24/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      02/17/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      02/16/2018 RECAMFT February Board Meeting
                      02/10/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      02/03/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Each Saturday - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      02/02/2018 Life After Fifty, With or Without Adult Children with Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, PhD, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/27/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Jan. 27th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      01/26/2018 Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop: What Does the Phrase “Standard of Care” Mean to You? by David Jensen, JD
                      01/20/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Jan. 20th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      01/19/2018 RECAMFT January Board Meeting
                      01/13/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Jan. 13th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      01/06/2018 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Jan. 6th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      01/05/2018 Clinicians as Sleuths: Uncovering Hidden Brain Injury (BI) in Our Patient/Clients, and Latest Research Findings on How to Help with Laura Strom, LMFT, LPCC, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/05/2018 Celebrate! RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: fun, surprises and live music! FREE event!!
                      12/23/2017 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Dec. 23rd - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      12/16/2017 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Dec. 16th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      12/15/2017 RECAMFT December Board Meeting
                      12/09/2017 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Dec. 9th - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      12/02/2017 Community Support Groups for Fire Survivors - FREE - Dec. 2nd - Led by Licensed MFTs
                      12/01/2017 LGBTQ+: Thinking Beyond the Binary with Gender and Expression with Patrick Armstrong, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      11/17/2017 RECAMFT November Board Meeting
                      11/03/2017 Self-Care and Community Care in the Aftermath of the 2017 NorCal Firestorm with Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      10/27/2017 RECAMFT October Board Meeting
                      10/21/2017 FREE drop-in counseling for people/families affected by the NorCal fires, Sat., 10/21, 11 am - 4 pm, downtown Santa Rosa
                      10/21/2017 "Brief disaster response training for helping professionals: Facilitating recovery and resilience for people impacted by the NorCal wildfires" with Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT, Advanced Critical Incident Responder - FREE EVENT - 8:30 - 10:30 am, 2 CEUs
                      10/20/2017 The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Working with Grief and Loss in our Everyday Lives with Francis Weller, LMFT, 6 CEs, 10/20/17, 8:30 am to 4 pm, Windsor
                      10/19/2017 "Brief disaster response training for helping professionals: Facilitating recovery and resilience for people impacted by the NorCal wildfires" with Doreen Van Leeuwen, LMFT, Advanced Critical Incident Responder - FREE EVENT - 7-9 pm, 2 CEUs
                      10/06/2017 Working with Clients in Open Relationships with Dr. Karin Wandrei, LCSW, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      09/15/2017 RECAMFT September Board Meeting
                      09/01/2017 Introduction to Neurofeedback for therapists with Silvia Costales, LMFT, BCN, FREE event, 1.5 CEUs, $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      08/27/2017 End of Summer Picnic! All welcome, Sun., 8/27, 1-4 pm, Finley Park, Santa Rosa, FREE EVENT!
                      07/14/2017 RECAMFT July Board Meeting: Day-long retreat in Bodega, CA
                      06/16/2017 RECAMFT June Board Meeting
                      06/02/2017 When Eros Enters the Room: Erotic Transference and its Healing Nature with Felicia Matto-Shepard, MFT, Jungian Analyst, FREE event, CEUs $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      05/19/2017 RECAMFT May Board Meeting
                      05/12/2017 "What White Therapists Need to Know and Are Afraid to Ask" with Dr. Liz Abrams, $60, 3 CEUs
                      05/09/2017 RECAMFT Disaster Response Team Meeting - Tue., 5/9, 7 pm, all members welcome! FREE
                      05/05/2017 Aging Happens: Dealing with it Wholesomely in Ourselves and in our Clients with Judith Goleman, LMFT, FREE event, CEUs $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      04/21/2017 RECAMFT April Board Meeting
                      03/17/2017 RECAMFT March Board Meeting
                      03/03/2017 Collaborative Couple Therapy: Turning Fights into Conversations and Problems into Opportunities for Intimacy with Dan Wile, PhD, FREE event, CEUs $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      02/23/2017 RECAMFT Disaster Response Team Meeting - all members welcome! FREE
                      02/17/2017 RECAMFT February Board Meeting
                      02/03/2017 Working in the transference with individuals and couples with Dr. Peter Hobson, FREE event, CEUs $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/20/2017 RECAMFT January Board Meeting
                      01/13/2017 Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop: “Shh, It's Confidential": Confidentiality of Mental Health Information Under California and HIPAA Laws, by David Jensen, JD
                      01/06/2017 Using Stories for Healing in Therapy: Exploring clients’ personal narratives, appropriate use of self-disclosure and creating transformations through stories with Jan Ogren, MFT, FREE event, CEUs $15 for Non-CAMFT Chapter members
                      01/06/2017 Celebrate! RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: fun, surprises and live music! FREE event!!
                      12/16/2016 RECAMFT Board Meeting
                      12/02/2016 Working with life-threatening illness in psychotherapy: Using spiritual and psychological tools with Dale Borglum, Ph.D.
                      11/18/2016 RECAMFT Board Meeting
                      11/04/2016 Relational Approaches to Individual and Group Therapy with Haim Weinberg, Ph.D.
                      10/21/2016 RECAMFT Board Meeting
                      10/14/2016 REGISTER NOW: Oct. 14, 2016 Men, Relationships and Conflict: Men in Therapy in the 21st Century
                      10/07/2016 Domestic Violence in our Community with Bea Esbit, Melissa Jones, Maggie Caffery and Muncie Harper
                      10/01/2016 3rd Annual Prelicensed Fall Summit - San Rafael
                      09/23/2016 Ethics Roundtable Fall Meeting with Kris Hall - free event!
                      09/16/2016 RECAMFT Board Meeting
                      09/02/2016 Attachment Trauma and Neural-Development: Supporting and Healing Primary Relationships with Jennifer Silverstein, LCSW, IFMHS
                      08/17/2016 Wednesday Night Farmer's Market on August 17th, 4:30 - 8:30pm
                      06/03/2016 Behind the Mask: Working With Men in Psychotherapy with Gary Gross, LMFT
                      05/06/2016 The Narcissistic Enchantment with Meagan Pugh, LPCC, D.Min., ATR-BC, SEP
                      04/22/2016 Ethics Roundtable Spring Meeting with Kris Hall - free event!
                      04/08/2016 Inaugural RECAMFT Crisis Response Team Information Meeting
                      04/01/2016 Working the Body Knot – A Somatic Communications Model with Kitty Chelton, LMFT & Theresa Beldon, LMFT
                      03/12/2016 One Day Treatment and Care of Traumatized Children with Dr. Daniel Hughes
                      03/08/2016 Four Day DDP -Clinical Training for Treatment of Children & Youth with Attachment & Trauma Issues with Dan Hughes
                      03/04/2016 Group 101: The Basics with Lois Friedlander, LMFT
                      02/12/2016 Ethics Roundtable Winter Meeting
                      02/05/2016 Focusing and the Expressive Arts: Tools for Self-Compassion, Self-Regulation and Accessing the Body’s Wisdom with Laury Rappaport, PhD, LMFT
                      01/29/2016 Legal and Ethical Issues Workshop: “Using the Language of the Law to ‘Salt & Pepper’ Your Treatment Records” with David Jensen, JD
                      01/08/2016 Reciprocal Exchange Dynamics: Leveraging Therapeutic Transactions with Scott Nelson, PhD, LMFT
                      01/08/2016 Celebrate! RECAMFT Annual Members Meeting: fun, surprises and live music!
                      12/11/2015 Bringing Authentic Presence into Therapy with Clients Facing Cancer with Cheryl Krauter, LMFT
                      11/13/2015 The Power of Creative Play with Alva Ackley, LMFT
                      11/07/2015 CAMFT Connects "Building a Brighter Future for LMFTs: Challenges and Opportunities"
                      10/24/2015 2nd Annual Prelicensed Fall Summit - Tiburon
                      10/23/2015 Professional Wills "Get it Done!" Workshop with MaryClare Lawrence, JD
                      10/09/2015 Helping Your Couples Move from Gridlock to Dialogue with Lisa Lund, CRC, LMFT
                      10/02/2015 A Day with Dr. Rick Hanson - HEAL: Understanding and Learning to Use Simple Steps to Create Lasting Happiness
                      09/19/2015 FREE All Day Drop-in Counseling for People/Families Affected by the Valley Fire
                      09/18/2015 Ethics Roundtable Fall Meeting
                      09/11/2015 Using Behavior Experiments to Change Client Belief Systems with Litsa Tanner, LMFT
                      06/12/2015 Neuropsychological Treatment of Trauma: Minor Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
                      05/08/2015 Somatic Practices for Clients with Anxiety, PTSD and Stress Reduction
                      04/17/2015 Ethics Roundtable Spring Meeting
                      04/10/2015 Common Mistakes Therapists Make When Treating Sexual Issues
                      03/13/2015 Introduction to Affect Centered Therapy
                      03/07/2015 Treatment and Care of Traumatized Children with Dr. Daniel Hughes
                      03/03/2015 DDP-Clinical Training in Psychological Treatment of Children & Youth with Dr. Daniel Hughes (4-day workshop)
                      02/13/2015 Self Love Diet: A therapeutic framework for treatment and relapse prevention for individuals in recovery from eating disorders.
                      02/06/2015 What Does the Law Expect of Me: Part V - Are You Ethical? You Sure?
                      01/09/2015 Is marriage as we know it dying? Newly emerging nuptial trends of which every therapist should be aware
                      12/12/2014 Transform Your Inner Tyrants: The Internal Family Model and Somatic Art Therapy
                      11/14/2014 Enhancing Attachment Security for Therapists & Clients: Clinical and Neurobiological Perspectives
                      10/10/2014 Talking to Clients about Forgiveness
                      09/12/2014 Shame: Toxic or Healthy?
                      06/13/2014 Afraid to Let Go: For Parents of Adult Addicts and Alcoholics
                      05/09/2014 Play Therapy: Assessing and Developing Executive Functioning
                      04/11/2014 Mindfulness and Spirituality in Psychotherapy
                      03/14/2014 How to Treat Social Anxiety Disorder: Cognitive Interventions that Work
                      02/14/2014 Working with Couples and AD/HD
                      02/04/2014 DSM-V Training
                      01/17/2014 What Does the Law Expect of Me, Part IV
                      01/10/2014 Gender, Sex and Transitioning: What we all need to know in order to compassionately serve clients
                      12/13/2013 Effective Trauma Treatment
                      11/08/2013 Dyatic Developmental Psychology
                      10/11/2013 Domestic Violence Assessment, Treatment & Safety
                      09/13/2013 Psychology with Latinos
                      06/14/2013 Psychotherapy and Spirituality
                      05/10/2013 Helping Clients Heal from Trauma Using Bilateral Stimulation Techniques
                      04/12/2013 Contemporary Perspectives on Chronic Pain: Identification and Treatment
                      03/08/2013 Helping Clients Perceive and Consciously Change their Patterns of Relating to Others
                      02/15/2013 What Does the Law Expect of Me, Part III
                      02/08/2013 Facing the Angry Client - 5 Easy Steps to Preventing Premature Termination
                      01/11/2013 Internet Marketing for Therapists: The Five Elements of a Client-Attracting Website
                      12/14/2012 Healing in Relationship: Using Somatics in Couples Therapy
                      11/09/2012 Structure and Process in Psychotherapy
                      10/12/2012 Addressing the Needs of Unrecognized Ego States
                      10/05/2012 Moving into Joy with Somatic Art Therapy
                      09/14/2012 Working with Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
                      06/08/2012 Dissociative Identity Disorders
                      05/11/2012 Revitalize your Practice with Somatics and Art: Creative Approaches to Healing Trauma
                      04/13/2012 Somatic Psychotherapy for Verbal Therapists
                      03/09/2012 Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples
                      02/17/2012 What the Law Expects of Me, Part II
                      02/10/2012 Shame and Trauma
                      01/13/2012 Professional Wills: An Important Part of Caring for your Clients
                      12/09/2011 Engaging Teens and Young Adults
                      11/04/2011 Transference and Counter Transference
                      10/14/2011 Applying Focusing to Couples Therapy
                      09/30/2011 Love and War in Intimate Relationships: A Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy
                      09/09/2011 Bringing the Body into the Therapeutic Mix
                      06/10/2011 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
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