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2024 RECAMFT Board of Directors

Colorful heartsExpand your resume and your heart! 

Would you like to join the RECAMFT Board of Directors and see what the magic's all about? Submit your resume and an email stating your intention, and why you want to join to by November 15th. 

Board Meetings: The RECAMFT Board of Directors meets monthly on the second Friday, from 9-11 am. You must register to attend the meeting. To register go to our Events page, and choose the Board meeting you wish to attend. Members are always welcome! 

Board Proposals: Do you have an idea for a project or activity for the Board to consider? Write up a Board Proposal form and send your completed document to

RECAMFT Rainbow Rings logo

RECAMFT's Laura C. Strom Distinguished Board Member Award is voted on each December (the President, President Elect, and Past President are exempt from voting on, or receiving the award) by the Board members to choose the winner of this annual award. 

This award was created by the Board in June 2023 after Dr. Bob Casanova proposed it as a way to honor Dr. Laura Strom's work to save CAMFT in 2013 and 2014. She served as the CAMFT President in 2015, and was the RECAMFT President in 2014, 2021, and 2022. 

This award was given for the first time in January 2024, for the year 2023 to Tara D'Orazio who was elected by her Board peers to receive it.  Find out more here

RECAMFT Laura C. Strom Distinguished Board Member Award

 Dr. Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFT
Bob Casanova
President Elect
Emily Larkin
Past President
Gina Culver
Tara D'Orazio
Dr. Laura C. Strom, PsyD, LMFT
Laura Strom

Director at Large: Prelicensed
 Nicolette Gottuso, LMFT
Nicolette Gottuso
 Director at Large
 Jean Hayes
 Director at Large
Jessica Heaney, AMFT
Jessica Heaney

 Director at Large
 Patricia Hromalik
707 - 892-.774

 Director at Large
Cynthia Psaila
Director at Large
Reyna Seminara 
 Director at Large

RECAMFT has five members serving/who have served on the state CAMFT Board. 

Linda Block, 2023-2024 CAMFT DEI Committee

Bob Casanova, 2017-2018 CAMFT President

Kira Kayler, 2019-2021 CAMFT Director at Large

Victoria Rohrer, 2022-2024 CAMFT Director at Large

Laura Strom, 2015-2016 CAMFT President

Barbara Young, 2021-2023 CAMFT Director at Large, 2023-2025 Secretary

Here is a pic from the March 2022 Board meeting on Zoom in which the Board wished longest standing RECAMFT member JoAnn Consiglieri a happy 80th birthday.  

To access a Board Member's Profile please click on their name in the Directory Listing below.

Click here to learn more about Committees, and here to see our Past Presidents.

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