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Membership Renewal

Log in to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click your name (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Once you are on your profile, you will click to renew.

Click the "Renew until (date)" button.

Review the information and click "Next."

Review your profile and make any changes you would like (see "Update Your Profile" below).

Scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click "Next."

Select Payment Method:
  • Select "Online" to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Click "Next" and review the information, then click "Confirm". You can then click on "Go to profile" or "Logout."

Thank you for renewing your membership with one of the best chapters in CAMFT!  

Renew Your Membership:

Login to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click "View Profile" under your name (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click the "Renew until (date)" button.

Review the information and click "Next."

Review your profile and make any changes you would like (see "Update Your Profile" below).

Scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click "Next."

Select Payment Method:
  • Select "Online" to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Select "Manual" to mail in a check to the address shown under Payment Instructions. Click "Next" and review the information, then click "Confirm". You can then click on "Go to profile" or "Logout."

Renew Your Membership:

Login to your profile via login box (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click "View Profile" under your name (on the upper right corner of the home page).

Click the "Renew until (date)" button.

Review the information and click "Next."

Review your profile and make any changes you would like (see "Update Your Profile" below).

Scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click "Next."

Select Payment Method:
  • Select "Online" to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • Select "Manual" to mail in a check to the address shown under Payment Instructions. Click "Next" and review the information, then click "Confirm". You can then click on "Go to profile" or "Logout."

Above: working in pairs, practicing didactic techniques. Below: Bret Lyon engaged the crowd with a vignette with Doug Silberstein.

P.S. Don't forget to write your SHORT DESCRIPTION (which appears in the Directory) and to upload a HEADSHOT PHOTO. 

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