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The Redwood Empire Chapter of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (RECAMFT) was formed in 1974 as a chapter of the decade-old state organization, the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT, formed 1964). 

Over the course of four decades RECAMFT has served as a warm, friendly place for networking, and obtaining CEUs for Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) and other members of the behavioral health community.

RECAMFT holds meetings ten months each year (no meeting in July/August), and members earn 1.5 CEUs by attending each meeting the first Friday monthly, networking beginning at 10:30 am, meeting 11-1. Each spring RECAMFT offers a 6 hour Law & Ethics course. Simply by attending RECAMFT events, LMFTs earn all 36 CEUs needed for license renewal every two years. 

RECAMFT has a Board of Directors consisting of:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Past President
  • Secretary
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • 3-4 Directors-at-Large
  • Prelicensed Director-at-Large

Elections are held annually for these positions. Board meetings are held the second Friday of each month from 9-11 on Zoom. For more details, please contact

Monthly meetings include time for social networking. Bob Dalzell and Lani Lee enjoy themselves.

RECAMFT's monthly speaker meetings draw a warm and friendly crowd. Networking starts at 10:30 am, and the meeting goes from 11-1 on the first Friday monthly (no meeting July/August). We usually raffle a prize. Below: Hochima Treppa, LMFT has won a beautiful photo by Peter Krohn, LMFT.

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