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Membership in RECAMFT

The Top 10 Reasons to Join RECAMFT

  1. Excellent monthly presentations on new and popular topics viewed from the comfort of your home/office with recordings available for your convenient review!
  2. Members attend monthly CE meetings at no additional cost, with at least 15 CEs included in the price of membership. 
  3. Access to our vibrant Members only listserv reaching over 400+ active members for announcements, inquiries, and staying connected.  
  4. Get all your CEs, and Law & Ethics with ease!
  5. Monthly newsletter with dynamic member contributions, reviews, workshop updates and more!  
  6. Free listing on the RECAMFT directory with a link to your website.
  7. Community events for networking, support, and connecting with other caring professionals.
  8. PreLicensed Collaborative for Students and Associates to consult with licensed clinicians on their orientations and techniques.
  9. Leadership opportunities are a great way to serve.
  10. Speaker presentations are recorded and can be accessed online from the comfort of your home/office.

Ready to join RECAMFT?

Click HERE to get started!

RECAMFT Membership Levels Available

Professionals in many fields provide therapy or related services, and we welcome those in the healing arts, holding any professional identity and licensure, to join our chapter. The available membership levels are:

  1. Full Clinical Member: LMFTs only
  2. Affiliate Member: LCSW, LPCC, LEP, MD, RN, JD, PhD, PsyD, etc.
  3. Pre-Licensed Member: students, trainees, Associate MFTs, PCCs, CSWs working towards licensure
Note that membership in state CAMFT is a requirement to join any local CAMFT chapter, including RECAMFT. If you are not an LMFT, you can join state CAMFT under their Affiliate  or Pre-Licensed Member level.

Join RECAMFT today!

L-R: Kris Spangler, Cynthia Halliday and Laura Strom at the March 2014 Chapter Leadership Conference showing off RECAMFT's awards. RECAMFT was voted the #1 Chapter in all of CAMFT. Laura won the Chapter Leader Award. 

RECAMFT enjoying its award. We created a group collage prior to this event expressing the Spirit of RECAMFT. The art project was led by Cynthia Halliday, LMFT, ATR, a local art therapist. 

Joining RECAMFT has several benefits:

When someone contacts RECAMFT the person is given three referrals that match their needs. Therapist names are rotated through. All your information from the application is available to our Administrative Consultant who uses this information in making referrals.

Your name, practice address and phone number, Areas of Focus and email and website are listed on RECAMFT's website. Our website has links to all the major search engines, Google, MSN, Yahoo, etc. This provides you with an ongoing web presence as a local therapist for more and more people who are using the internet to find local therapists.

Further, should you move your practice or change your Areas of Focus, etc., you can login and update your profile at any time!

Each spring RECAMFT presents a 6 hour Law & Ethics workshop. In this picture David Jensen, JD, CAMFT Staff Attorney gave a lively presentation. The crowd enjoyed a delicious lunch at the beautiful Agatha Furth facility - February 6, 2015.

RECAMFT was voted the #1 Top Chapter

in CAMFT in March 2014!

In 2018, we won Best Community Outreach and Involvement!

 Join RECAMFT now! 

 Click HERE to JOIN.  

 Click HERE to RENEW.

 Click HERE for instructions.

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