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Sponsorship - become our Community Partner!

RECAMFT Event Sponsorship with Community Partners

Mission statement: "The purpose of RECAMFT is to promote and maintain professional competence and integrity with knowledge, innovation, compassion, humor and respect for human dignity and diversity. We do this by providing opportunities for networking, education and community outreach.”

Redwood Empire Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (RECAMFT) is a membership-based organization that supports the mental health professionals of Sonoma County who provide direct services to the people of our community. This includes underserved and low income persons and addresses the full spectrum of mental and behavioral health issues. RECAMFT members are dedicated to providing the highest possible level of care and resources to those we serve. 

We welcome and salute community partners and sponsors who share our vision for providing educational and outreach events to professionals in Sonoma, Mendocino, Napa and Lake Counties. Click here to read our Sponsorship Letter of Agreement.   

Who can be a sponsor?

  • Professionals, agencies, and companies that provide community resources and services to clients and consumers of mental health services within the Sonoma County area.
  • Professionals, agencies, and companies that provide resources and services to mental/behavioral health professionals.
  • Others who provide a service or resource that is supportive of RECAMFT’s mission and who have been approved by the RECAMFT Board of Directors.

What are the benefits to a sponsor?

  • Your name will appear on multiple marketing materials.
  • Your logo and link to website will go via our eblast announcements to up to 1900+ mental health professionals.
  • You will receive an ad in our monthly newsletter (copy due by the 15th to be included in the following month’s newsletter). Larger sponsors will be featured on the RECAMFT Home and Events page.
  • Larger sponsors will be featured on the RECAMFT Salutes page, dedicated to showcasing sponsors who support mental wellness in our community, featured for up to one year.
  • At live events, you will be given a dedicated table at the sponsored event. Up to two representatives of your company may attend the event at no charge, and can interact informally before the event starts, during breaks/lunch, and for 15 minutes after the close of the event.
  • Sponsor recognition on the day of the event, including public announcements.

What are the levels available for sponsorship?

  • $5000 Giant Sequoia (only one per event)
  • $3000 Coastal Redwood
  • $2500 Emerald Cypress
  • $1500 Majestic Oak
  • $1000 Sweet Bay
  • $500 Pacific Dogwood
  • $250 California Poppy
How do I and my company become a RECAMFT event Community Partner Sponsor?

1. There are three simple steps. Simply complete the RECAMFT Sponsorship Letter of Agreement. The document is available by clicking here.

2. Email your completed letter to Someone will contact you soon about becoming a Community Partner Sponsor.

3. Pay for your Sponsorship online here. That's it! 

RECAMFT was voted #1 CAMFT Chapter in 2014 and in 2018! Thank you for considering becoming a Community Partner Sponsor with RECAMFT!

Click here to download a PDF Invitation to become a Community Partner Sponsor from RECAMFT's President.

Levels of sponsorship

$5000 Giant Sequoia Sponsor

Giant Sequoia Cone by Dave Mitchell

    • At live events, a table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

    • You may do a 3 minute introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

    • Your logo and link to your website will be included in ten (10) email announcements to our members just prior to and/or after the event.

    • A large sized logo and link to your website will be featured on the RECAMFT Home Page and Events Page for 120 days.

    • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the event announcements that reach over 1900 people.

    • Your logo will be included in any event specific handout material printed by RECAMFT on the day of the event.

    • Full-page ad in six monthly newsletters. One ad may include a 500 page article written by you about your goods and services. 

    • At live events, we will publicly thank you on the day of the event with an award presentation plaque and allow you to read a statement of up to three (3) minutes in length (which has been pre-approved by RECAMFT prior to the event) about your products/services.

    • We will write up your business, including your logo and link to your website on the RECAMFT Salutes page where it will remain for one year.

    • At live events, you may distribute materials to each attendee at the event by placing your materials at individual places on the tables or chairs. For online events, we will distribute your marketing materials electronically to attendees. 

    Above: Photo of Giant Sequoia Cone by Dave Mitchell.

    Below: Oct. 2017 Francis Weller Conference, a member asks a question.

    $3000 Coastal Redwood Sponsor

      • Redwood leavesAt live events, a table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

      • You may do a 2 minute introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

      • Your logo and link to your website will be included in six (6) email announcements to our members just prior to and/or after the event.

      • A medium sized logo and link to your website will be featured on the RECAMFT Home Page and Events Page for 90 days.

      • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the event announcements that reach over 1900 people.

      • Your logo will be included in any event specific handout material printed by RECAMFT on the day of the event.

      • Full-page ad in three monthly newsletters.

      • At live events, we will publicly thank you on the day of the event and allow you to read a statement of up to two (2) minutes in length (which has been pre-approved by RECAMFT prior to the event) about your products/services.

      • We will write up your business, including your logo and link to your website on the RECAMFT Salutes page where it will remain for one year.

      • At live events, you may distribute materials to each attendee at the event by placing your materials at individual places on the tables or chairs.For online events, we will distribute your marketing materials electronically to attendees. 

      Below: Members enjoying the exercises offered by Francis Weller, Oct. 2017. 

      $2,500 Emerald Cypress Sponsor:

      Emerald Cypress

        • At live events, a table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

        • You may do a 90 second introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

        • Your logo and link to your website will be included in four (4) email announcements to our members just prior to and/or after the event.

        • A medium sized logo and link to your website will be featured on the RECAMFT Home Page and Events Page for 60 days.

        • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the event announcements that reach over 1900 people.

        • Your logo will be included in any event specific handout material printed by RECAMFT on the day of the event.

        • Full-page ad in two monthly newsletters.

        • We will publicly thank you on the day of the event and allow you to read a statement of up to 90 seconds in length (which has been pre-approved by RECAMFT prior to the event) about your products/services.

        • We will write up your business, including your logo and link to your website on the RECAMFT Salutes page where it will remain for one year.

        • You may distribute materials to each attendee at the event by placing your materials at individual places on the tables or chairs. For online events, we will distribute your marketing materials electronically to attendees.

        Below: Member Eric Lofchie asks Rick Hanson a question, Oct. 2015. 


        $1500 Majestic Oak Sponsor:

        Two acorns

          • At live events, a table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

          • You may do a 60 second introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

          • Your logo and link to your website will be included in three (3) email announcements to our members just prior to and/or after the event.

          • A medium sized logo and link to your website will be featured on the RECAMFT Home Page and Events Page for 30 days.

          • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the event announcements that reach over 1900 people.

          • Your logo will be included in any event specific handout material printed by RECAMFT on the day of the event.

          • Full-page ad one time in the monthly newsletter.

          • We will publicly thank you on the day of the event and read a small statement about your products/services.

          • We will write up your business, including your logo and link to your website on the RECAMFT Salutes page where it will remain for one year.

          • You may distribute materials to each attendee at the event by placing your materials at individual places on the tables or chairs. For online events, we will distribute your marketing materials electronically to attendees. 

          $1000 Sweet Bay Sponsor

          Sweet Bay

            • At live events, a table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

            • You may do a 45 second introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

            • Your logo and link to your website will be included in two (2) email announcements to our members just prior to the event.

            • A small logo and link to your website will be featured on the RECAMFT Home Page and Events Page for 30 days.

            • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the event announcement to registrants just prior to the event.

            • Half-page ad one time in the monthly newsletter.

            • We will publicly thank you on the day of the event.

            $500 Pacific Dogwood Sponsor

            Dogwood bloom

              • At live events, a small table at the event for chatting and providing promotional materials.

              • You may do a 30 second introduction of your organization at the beginning of our educational seminars. 

              • Your logo and link to your website will be included in the email announcement to our members just prior to the event.

              • Quarter-page ad in our monthly newsletter.

              • We will publicly thank you on the day of the event.

                $250 California Poppy Sponsor

                California Poppies

                • You may add your promotional materials to our table, and visit with our members at our monthly meetings. Networking starts at 10:30 am. 
                • You may introduce yourself during the introductions portion of the meeting, and briefly talk about your services. 
                • We will publicly thank you on the day of the event.

                Sponsor will:

                1. Make a payment to RECAMFT in the amount specific to the chosen sponsorship level at least 60 days prior to the event date.

                2. Provide marketing materials (logo, etc.) in electronic form to RECAMFT.

                3. Prepare and distribute your materials for display at the event.

                4. Optional: provide a representative to manage the Sponsor’s table.

                5. Email all needed advertising materials, and completed Sponsorship Letter of Agreement to as soon as sponsorship level is chosen. 

                RECAMFT makes no guarantee that Sponsor’s participation at the described event will be exclusive of any other sponsors.

                Immediately following receipt of your logo, payment and agreement, we will commence the marketing promised you per the level of Sponsorship you have chosen. Therefore, once your date is secured, the fee for sponsorship is non-refundable.

                In the event that you are unable to attend your scheduled event, you are welcome to send a representative in your place.  If you can't send a representative, your sponsorship will be announced at your sponsored meeting, and members will be directed to our website for more information about your services.

                All sponsors are required to refrain from making insensitive or disparaging statements pertaining to ethnicity, race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or class.  RECAMFT reserves the right to bar from our meetings any sponsor who violates this provision.

                RECAMFT Sponsorship Letter of Agreement in PDF 

                Pay for your Sponsorship online here.

                Ivy Griffin, LMFT spoke to a full house in RECAMFT's new larger venue at Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Rosa, Feb. 2019. 

                Dr. Dan Wile spoke to RECAMFT at a monthly meeting in March 2017. 

                Ready to pay online?

                Click here

                RECAMFT was delighted to have Rick Hanson, PhD, best-selling NY Times author in Oct. 2015. Dr. Hanson wrote Buddha's Brain and Hardwiring Happiness. He offered RECAMFT a fascinating 6 hour workshop on Positive Neuroplasticity.

                Above: 2015-2016 CAMFT President, Laura Strom, Dr. Rick Hanson, 2017-2018 CAMFT President, Dr. Bob Casanova, LMFT. 

                RECAMFT events draw large crowds from the Sonoma County Behavioral Health Community. 

                We also draw from the surrounding counties, including Marin, Lake, Napa and Mendocino. 

                Here are some pictures from prior events.

                Above: Author Francis Weller, drew a large crowd, Oct. 2017. 

                Above: Dr. Mary Flett drew around 250 people to her DSM-5 presentation, held in Santa Rosa at Finley Center, Feb. 2014.

                Below: Each spring CAMFT staff attorney David Jensen, JD, presents "Law & Ethics" to a large crowd at Furth Center.

                RECAMFT films our monthly speakers. Meetings are held at the Odd Fellows Hall, ten months out of the year. Our monthly speakers draw a nice crowd. Here are some shots of prior speakers. 

                Above: Author Michelle Minero, The Self-Love Diet,  Feb. 2015. 

                Above: Dr. Laury Rappaport, speaks about focusing arts. 

                We are grateful to our past community sponsors! See more here

                RECAMFT responded very quickly to the Oct. 2017 NorCal fires, by offering a training to helping professionals on disaster mental health. 

                Over 250 people registered for these free trainings which were held at a local church. 

                Below: Doreen Van Leeuwen, disaster mental health specialist speaking. Her training was video-taped by RECAMFT, and put on its own page on our website for anyone to view. 

                In 2019 RECAMFT moved its monthly meetings to a larger venue in Odd Fellows Hall which provides an excellent screen, and sound system.

                Below are some pictures from our February 2019 meeting with Ivy Griffin, LMFT presenting on Highly Sensitive Person(s) (HSPs). 

                Human Sexuality Educator Diane Gleim, LMFT, CST drew a large crowd, May 2015.

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