An interactive dialogue between CAMFT Leadership and Members

A complimentary networking lunch will be provided!
This redesigned CAMFT Connects format will empower members to play a role in CAMFT’s future direction by identifying challenges, opportunities, and priorities for CAMFT resources.
The meeting will consist of a brief CAMFT presentation, followed by small table discussions on the following topics: Parity (Medicare/Insurance reimbursement, Professional recognition, etc.), Entrepreneurship/Preparing for the Future, Branding LMFTs, Legislative Efforts, and Pre-licensee Issues.
Together we can build a brighter future for LMFTs!
- To receive feedback about challenges/opportunities for LMFTs.
- To discover members’ priorities for CAMFT resources.
- To empower members to help our organization grow and prepare for the future.
Format: Hear an overview of CAMFT’s efforts to date on the areas for discussion (listed below); Move to Discussion tables to brainstorm with members
Discussion Tables: (attendees rotate to a total of 2 tables)
- Parity (Medicare/Insurance reimbursement, Professional recognition, etc.)
- Business Building/Preparing for the Future
- Branding LMFTs
- Legislative Efforts
- Pre-licensed
Networking lunch
- Challenge: During lunch meet two new people you have never met. Introduce yourself.
- Have lunch with someone you have met for the first time today.
Parking Complimentary
(Grand Avenue parking lot at the Conlan Recreation Center at 1475 Grand Avenue (west side of Grand Avenue) and around the block in the Belle Avenue lot between the tennis courts and turf field.)
Call CAMFT (888) 892-2638 to register. This is a free event with a complimentary networking lunch, however, credit card information will be collected to guarantee lunch attendance. There will be a $25 cancellation fee for any registration not canceled by Wednesday, October. 28, 2015.
If you can’t attend the meeting, you can still participate! Parallel processing by attendees and other members will take place online at (Note: Comments should pertain to: Parity, Business Building/Preparing for the Future, Branding LMFT, Legislative Efforts, & Pre-licensee matters. This forum will allow for participants to share thoughts and observations, and will not be used to answer questions.)
Driving directions and parking information.