Presented By: Silvia Costales, LMFT, BCN
Whether you’ve never heard of neurofeedback, or you know someone who’s tried it and found relief for anxiety, depression, insomnia, headaches, problems with attention, or something else, this non-invasive method of helping the nervous system to regulate itself better has relevance for all of us working in mental health.
What we now know about the human brain, our ability to precisely measure the brain’s electrical activity, and the demonstrated effect that feedback of that activity has on human health—these all have profound implications for mental health diagnosis and treatment.
Perhaps you’re looking for a new tool to help those clients who are too disregulated to stay in their window of tolerance, or engage meaningfully in psychotherapy beyond support, or you have clients who are looking for drug-free alternatives to address their symptoms, or you simply want to stay up-to-date on the science behind new interventions in the field. Join us Sept. 1st to find out more!
Learning Objectives - After completion of the presentation the attendees will:
1. Be able to define what neurofeedback is.
2. Be able to describe what a neurofeedback session is like for the subject, i.e. how EEG is recorded and “fed back”.
3. Have a good sense of what kinds of issues are addressed by neurofeedback, when referral for neurofeedback is appropriate, how to find practitioners, and how neurofeedback integrates with psychotherapy.
Speaker Handout
10:30 - 11:00 Social networking and registration
Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email therapy@recamft.org.
CEU Certificate: You must stay for the entire meeting to receive your certificate. If you have signed IN and OUT of the course, you will receive an email with a link to the course evaluation. Once you complete the evaluation, the CE Certificate will open. If you do not immediately see the certificate, check your downloads folder. Fill in your name and license number on the certificate, and right click on it to save it to your own computer. Course meets the qualifications for 1.5 hrs of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
CEUs are free for RECAMFT members, or members of other CAMFT Chapters. Non-members who desire CEUs pay $15.
Grievances: direct grievances to therapy@recamft.org, and/or the chapter president at recamftpresident@gmail.com.