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Couples Therapy In The Age Of COVID: When Old Problems Require New Solutions, with Dr. Marty Klein, PhD, Fri. & Sat., Oct 2 & 3rd, 2020, 6 CEs

  • 10/02/2020
  • 10/03/2020
  • 2 sessions
  • 10/02/2020, 10:00 AM 1:15 PM (PDT)
  • 10/03/2020, 10:00 AM 1:15 PM (PDT)
  • Zoom Webinar


  • If you are a prelicensed member of a sister CAMFT chapter, use this registration type.
  • Use this registration for all others
  • If you are a pre-licensed CAMFT member and not a member of RECAMFT, please use this registration type.

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"Couples Therapy in the Age of COVID: When Old Problems Require New Solutions"

Presented by: 

 Dr. Marty Klein, PhD 

Two Days: Must attend both days to receive CEs

Friday and Saturday, Oct 2 & 3rd, 2020

10:00 am - 1:15 pm

Zoom Webinar

6 CEs for LMFTs, LPCCs, LCSWs & LEPs

Course Description         

In this fast-paced program presented on two half-days, Dr. Klein will discuss some of the most common and tenacious challenges in couples therapy: partners who don’t cooperate; who rigidly label each other (“passive-aggressive,” “emotionally abusive”); who nag or withhold; who can’t agree on basic facts (“you said we’d buy a new car if you got that job”; “no I didn’t”); and who claim they want more intimacy, but refuse to do much to create it—while regularly doing things that prevent it.

Marty will show how to reframe these frustrating situations; how to take control of sessions that keep sliding into pointless blaming and rants of disappointment; how to show couples what their communication really looks like; how to dismantle the advantages of someone having a “bad temper;” and how to change the powerlessness in the “I get triggered” model into a skills deficit model that encourages growth.

Given our current reliance on remote sessions, Marty will also talk about recognizing and addressing the special challenges today’s video sessions present.

Learning Objectives

1. Name three unrealistic ideas clients have about intimacy.

2. List three reasons that cases involving infidelity require self-discipline from each partner.

3. Name two ways that narratives of powerless can undermine a long-term relationship.

4. Identify the elements of the “policy discussion vs. feelings discussion” model, and how it can quickly reduce couples’ conflict.

5. Describe a way to get couples to engage in conflict as partners rather than adversaries.

6. Name two ways to help couples change the negative impacts of smartphones and mobile devices on their closeness.


In an effort to make up for CE credit opportunities RECAMFT was unable to provide our members earlier in the year, this presentation is being provided free of charge to RECAMFT members.

  • Free - All RECAMFT Members
  • $39 Pre-Licensed CAMFT members (Non-RECAMFT)
  • $59 All Others

    About Marty Klein

    Dr. Marty Klein has been an MFT and Certified Sex Therapist in Palo Alto, CA for 35 years. The award-winning author of 7 books, he has trained therapists, physicians, and policymakers in 35 countries, and has been an invited Master Presenter at ten state CAMFT conferences. Audiences across the U.S., Europe, and Asia call his talks practical, thought-provoking, and entertaining.

    Marty appears frequently in the national media, including The New York Times, National Public Radio, and The Daily Show. He is a qualified forensic expert providing testimony in sexuality in state, federal, and international courts. Marty recently gave two Congressional briefings on evidence-based sex education.

    Dan Savage says Marty’s work “makes me feel sane;” Esther Perel says Marty’s work “liberates, provokes, and illuminates the way to change;” and Psychology Today says “to improve your sex life, just read Klein’s books.”

    Marty’s popular blog is

    Zoom Webinar


    Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. 

    • Disability AccommodationTo request an accommodation for a disability, please email
    • Refunds$10 cancellation fee for refunds requested up to 30 days before the event.  No refunds are given beginning 29 days prior to the event. 
    • CE CertificateYou must attend both days, stay for the entire workshop each day, complete a test and an evaluation to receive your CE credit certificate. At the conclusion of this educational event, an email with a link to the test and evaluation form will be sent to all attendees who attended the online event. Once you complete and submit your evaluation, you will have immediate access and be able to print or save your CE Certificate. Course meets the qualifications for 6.0 hrs of continuing education (CE) credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
    • Grievancesdirect grievances to, and/or the chapter president at

    RECAMFT 2025 Logo

    Redwood Empire Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
    is a CAMFT Approved Continuing Education Provider: License #57173. - PO Box 2732 - Santa Rosa, CA 95405
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