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Members Paperwork Soiree

  • 02/11/2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed

A team putting their hands together in collaborationDo you have unfinished paperwork and business projects that keep going on your to-do list week after week? Do you have trouble focusing when you're alone? Need an accountability partner to help you commit to getting it done? 

RECAMFT members are welcome to join this 90 minute co-working session where we'll use the power of group synergy and the pomodoro technique to finish our notes, update our websites, complete our billing, work on assignments, or whatever else you need a boost of social power to get going on! 

  • Where: Zoom Meeting
  • When: Fri, Feb. 11, 2021
  • Time: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
  • You will be sent a Zoom link in your confirmation email
  • Host:Tara D'Orazio, Membership Chair

This event will be held four times in February - come to one, a few, or all:
Tues, Feb 1st, 12-1:30pm
Fri, Feb 11th, 1-2:30pm - register for this session!
Tues, Feb 15th, 12-1:30pm - register for this session!
Fri, Feb 25th, 10-11:30am - register for this session!

The pomodoro technique is a time management method of breaking projects down into intervals of 25 minutes of focused work punctuated by 5 minute breaks. In this 90 minute session we will do three focus intervals and when we're done you'll have dedicated 75 minutes to the project(s) of your choice! During our focus sessions mics will be muted but during breaks you can relax and chatter with each other, ask questions, share resouces, and get feedback.


1:00 - meet and say hi
1:05 - 1:30 - first 25 minute focus session
5 minute break
1:35- 2:00 - second 25 minute focus session
5 minute break
2:05 - 2:30 - third 25 minute focus session
2:30 say goodbyes

About our committee chair

Tara D'OrazioTara D'Orazio, LMFT is a past president of RECAMFT and Chair of the Membership Committee. She enjoys hosting opportunities for the RECAMFT community to come together in various fun and valuable social ways.  

Have a suggestion for a community event you'd be interested in attending? Contact Tara at

Disability Accommodation: To request an accommodation for a disability, please email

Grievances: Direct grievances to, and/or the chapter president at

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Redwood Empire Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
is a CAMFT Approved Continuing Education Provider: License #57173. - PO Box 2732 - Santa Rosa, CA 95405
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