RECAMFT's 3000 Hour Club presents our monthly
Walk & Talk
for our Prelicensed Members. Students, Trainees and Associates are all welcome!!
RECAMFT's 3000 Hour Club for Prelicensed Members next meets:
Friday, May 5th, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Your hosts: Jessica Heaney, AMFT and Debbie Melmon, LMFT.
Your prelicensed event
Walk & Talk was designed to address the perceived need for students, trainees and associates to receive support, connection, guidance and case conceptualization outside of the supervision relationship. On the first Friday of each month, our prelicensed members are invited to meet with each other and guest RECAMFT LMFTs of various orientations, who offers their knowledge and wisdom, on a beautiful farm and garden on the edge of Ragle Ranch Park in Sebastopol. We sit together and check in for the first hour. In the second hour we hit the trail for a gentle walk in the park while discussing a member's case of interest. The combination of connection and movement in the beauty of nature creates an environment for growth and camaraderie. You can use Walk & Talk as a resource as it fits in your schedule / life (not a monthly commitment) and a way to meet prelicensed people in all stages, a place to share successes, challenges and find support.
- Location: Debbie’s Barn and office at 8325 Candy Apple Ln. Sebastopol, 95472.
- Register online for each session separately.
- Sessions meet on the first Friday of each month from 3:00-5:00pm.
- This group is not supervision or a replacement for supervision and CEs of any form, and “credit” is not available.
- Confidentiality is the cornerstone of safety. Everything discussed in the group, stays with the group and participants are asked to discuss the content of group ONLY in our group sessions.
- The nature trail we walk is sparsely populated, however, when we do encounter the public we suspend our conversation until we are once again out of ear shot of strangers.
- Specific names as well as identifying features of clients will not be used or discussed.
- Members are asked to bring all legal and ethical issues, as well as challenging cases and topics that may arise in Walk and Talk, to their supervisors for discussion and treatment planning.
- Members are asked to speak with the group leaders if something is said in group that is upsetting or confusing.
- We practice our active listening and effective communication skills, we refrain from advise giving and cross talk and encourage inquiry and input from our own experiences.
Come join new and old friends, goats, chickens, dogs and wilderness for an informal consultation - it may be the best therapy yet!
Your hosts
Coordinated by RECAMFT Prelicensed Director at Large Jessica Heaney, AMFT and RECAMFT Outreach Chair Debbie Melmon, LMFT.
Register online here
Once RECAMFT registration is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation.
• Register for each event separately
• The 3000 Hour Club will meet on the first Friday monthly from January-June and Sept-Dec.
• You will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive it, please contact therapy@recamft.org.
Help us spread the word to other Prelicensed folks!
Please share this link with others:
Event coordinators can be reached at RECAMFTPreLicensed@gmail.com
Upcoming 2023 Dates
Find more events here.
Questions? therapy@recamft.org
Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. Redwood Empire Chapter CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.