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The Redwood Empire Therapist

RECAMFT's Online Newsletter

February 2023

Legal & Ethical, 2 CEs

Seductions and Arrogance: Client Presentations and Therapist Vulnerabilities that Lead to Legal and Ethical Violations

Presented by: 

Ronald Mah, PhD, LMFT

Red show ticket: Admit One



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RECAMFT's Mission Statement

The purpose of RECAMFT is to promote and maintain professional competence and integrity with knowledge, innovation, compassion, humor and respect for human dignity and diversity.

We do this by providing opportunities for networking, education and community outreach.

RECAMFT LogoParticipate in the Justice Project :  Antiracism by 12/31/23 and receive a lovely Certificate of Achievement for your wall! Click here to find out more. 

Check out what we've got in store for you! Upcoming fun events!!

Upcoming events

RECAMFT's Listserv For All! Check it out! 

Our listserv has over 400 members on it, and is active daily with great conversations, resources, offerings, in search of, books, movies, office rentals, jobs, internships, etc. You can view the home page of our listserv at

If you are not currently enrolled in the listserv, please email and ask to be added. You have the option of setting up your account to be 

      • Read individual emails
      • Read a digest of 12 emails
      • Or read online only

After you have been added to the listserv, you can change the way you receive the emails to any of the above choices. In Gmail the emails will appear under your Forums tab. To send an email to the listserv, simply address your email to

If you do not want to be on our listserv, you can delete your account or write to and ask to not be a part of the listserv. But we urge you to give it a try. You are missing out on a ton of meaningful collaboration with your colleagues. We hope you will enjoy being part of our online community! 

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Progressive Pride Flag

EVERYONE is welcome here.

President's Message: Weathering the Storms

By Gina Culver, LMFT

Hello RECAMFT community and welcome to month two of 2023. I don’t know about you, but it has been a bit of a rough start to this new year and a challenging end to 2022. One of the things I like most about each new year, is the newness for adventures yet to come. This may be the hopeful romantic in me, my wandering soul, or my optimism.  I enjoy the newness of each coming year. Maybe it is the spring with the earth in bloom and the days getting longer where it feels fresh, sparkling, and new versus the darkness of winter. No matter why, each year is a fresh start.

This choice of how I see the world helps me to navigate the unexpectedness which tends to pop up when I don’t want or need it. This worldview is part of the mindful living I practice to improve my distress tolerance and ride the waves of uncertainty, changes, and disappointments. I, too, experience moments of anger at the world, sadness, worry, and other challenging emotions. I feel them, then I push through using mindful living practices to help navigate the ebbs and flows of life. Most of the time, I return to my baseline balance. There are times, where settling back to a baseline is more challenging and takes longer. Those are days I lean into mindful living.

Mindful living is mindfulness. This includes being aware of the thoughts interfering with daily functioning such as anxious thoughts, helps defuse the anxiety, and allows me to reframe my thoughts. I am able to reassure myself, able to calm the parts of me needing some soothing, and allows me to resume whatever I need to do. I teach this to my clients and clinical staff I manage. Am I met with skepticism? Absolutely. Do I also note how “zen” or “calm” I appear”? Definitely. This is really about system regulation, calming energies and coming back to the center of the autonomous nervous system rather than being in fight/flight or freeze/collapse. When my clients or staff start practicing mindful living, they too see the benefits of this practice.

The next level I am working on is throughout the year maintaining my outlook of new adventures to come instead of dreading the end of a year. As we navigate this year together, may you find your anchor, may you be able to ride the ups and downs in life, and look forward to more adventures on the horizon while weathering the storms.

With compassion,

Gina L. Culver, MS, LMFT


Gina Culver, LMFT is a Program Director at LifeWorks and has a private practice in Santa Rosa. She is the 2023 President of RECAMFT.

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Coming March 3rd! NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)

Transforming Trauma: The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) for Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resolving Complex Trauma

Presented by:

Brad Kammer, LMFT, LPCC

Friday, Mar. 3, 2023

9:00 am - 1:15 pm

Zoom, 4 CEs with one 15-minute break

Register here.

Prelicensed Support - check out three special events just for you this winter!

Prelicensed 3000 Hour Club Meeting is the first Friday monthly on Zoom (for now), 3-5 pm. Speaker in the first hour with the second hour reserved for group discussion. 

Jan. 6th "Using Assessment Tools to Improve Patient Care Coordination" with Laura Strom, PsyD, LMFT. Register here.

Feb. 3rd "Working with Clients Presenting with Psychosis Symptoms" with Gina Culver, LMFT. Register here.

Mar. 3rd "Understanding Collaborative Divorce" with Randy Cheek, LMFT. Register here

Meet RECAMFT's Prelicensed Chair and Director at Large, Jessica Heaney, AMFT. She is a recent graduate of Touro University Worldwide, and is now working for Seneca's Wraparound Program. Jessica is hosting our newly named 3000 Hour Club for Prelicensed Members monthly events on the first Friday monthly. 3-5 PM. Learn more here. Contact Jessica at   

Below is a photo from the January meeting. Debbie Melmon, Reid Harper, Ingrid and one additional person not pictured attended Laura Strom's talk. 


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RECAMFT's Scholarships, Honors and Awards! 

Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to our Joe and Pamela Ward Scholarship Program to continue our program of financial support for our emerging clinicians who face high expenses and low pay.

Joe and Pamela WardLast year, RECAMFT launched the Joe and Pamela Ward Scholarship Program, which awards three scholarships of $1000 each and a free year-long membership to Pre-Licensed and Newly-Licensed chapter members. Our first awards were granted in 2022 to Bree Watson, AMFT and Claudia Hernandez, AMFT. Congrats to both Bree and Claudia!! 

The funds that make these awards possible have been generously donated by members of our chapter and are doubled by matching funds authorized by our Board of Directors. Your donations will go twice as far! We have raised $2070 towards our goal of $5250 which funds the scholarship program for 2022, 2023, and 2024. We are $3180 away from our goal!

Please visit to give a tax-free donation today!

Announcing the all-new Spirit of RECAMFT Award!

The all-new Spirit of RECAMFT Award is intended to highlight or showcase our members who are working in the community to support the mental health profession and the well-being of our community at large. It is for those members who may not necessarily be seen but have contributed to unmet needs and or advancements in the mental health profession.

At the heart of this award is acknowledging someone who embodies all of the aspects of RECAMFT’s mission, values, vision, and commitment to the profession and mental well-being within the community.

Find out more here.       Return to top

SAVE THE DATE! April 7th

NOW Friday, April 7th, 9 am to 12:15 pm

Register here. 

We Need You! Jobs for Awesome Volunteers

We STILL need help with

  • Tech 2 - Social Media Manager
  • Newsletter Editor

Please send an email to if you can help.       Return to top

Thoughts from the Racial & Social Justice Committee (RSJC)

2023 Justice Project: LGBTQ+ Affirming Care

CAMFT Calls for LMFTs to Reduce Barriers for Mental Health Treatment with BIPOC

By Katharina Kienböck, LMFT

RECAMFT's Rainbow Rings logo

The Racial and Social Justice Committee has been proud to create the next track of our Justice Project:  LGBTQ+ Affirming Care.  We hope you are as excited as we are about the selection of readings and videos to choose from, to support our ability to show up more fully for our clients: LGBTQ+ Affirming Care.  

At the same time, we are glad to continue to offer our Anti-Racism Track:  RECAMFT Justice Project: Anti-Racism.  If you have started it last year, but haven’t had a chance to finish it, you can still use this year to complete it and receive a Certificate of Achievement that you could hang in your office or add to your website.  

Otherwise, please come check out the page and start with watching the documentary 13th!  Last year’s attendees expressed great appreciation for the nudge to watch this powerful film, and felt that it was deeply impacting their perspectives and outlook on how to understand their own position in relation to race and racism. As part of the track this year, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the readings and the documentary in a workshop in the fall with Dr. Shawan Worsley, PhD, LMFT, LPCC and explore what it means to be an antiracist therapist.   

CAMFT, in their statement Statement on Racism, Racial Trauma, and Access to Mental Health Care for BIPOC from June 2021, said the following: 

“Often, suggestions for reducing stigma and improving access to care are focused on things that BIPOC can do to reduce internalized stigmas or educational efforts to encourage BIPOC to seek mental health care. However, therapists must work towards making mental health care settings and the services we provide safer for BIPOC to engage in. CAMFT encourages all therapists, and White therapists in particular, to consider ways they can reduce barriers to care for BIPOC by:

  • Engaging in anti-racism education and training on an ongoing basis,

  • Continuously striving towards cultural humility and culturally responsive mental health care,

  • Engaging in community-based, BIPOC-led efforts aimed at dismantling systemic racial oppression,

  • Critically examining the institutions and workplaces they are affiliated with and advocating for changes to reduce potential for marginalization of BIPOC, and

  • Advocating against and disrupting racism everywhere they encounter it, including in themselves, in their own families, in interactions with others, in their communities, in institutions, and in policies.

CAMFT is committed to advocating for racial justice and equal, fair, and culturally responsive mental health care for all.”

At RECAMFT, we want to continue to stand with CAMFT in this commitment.  It is easy to let things fade into the background, with ever more worries, concerns, and crises coming at us from so many angles.  Yet we, particularly those of us who are White therapists, need to stand for Antiracist practices within our community as well as the world at large.  It takes diligence, care, courage, open hearts, open ears and perseverance.  

February is the perfect time for us to be thinking about this, as it is Black History Month.  Each year a theme is chosen, and this year it is Black Resistance.  John Lewis advised,

“Do not get lost in a sea of despair.

Be hopeful, be optimistic.

Our struggle is not the struggle of a day,

a week, a month, or a year,

it is the struggle of a lifetime.

Never, ever be afraid to make some noise

and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” 

You can find this quote and more about Black History Month and this year’s theme here! 

Here’s to a 2023 where we support each other in that process!

Katharina Kienböck, LMFT

Racial and Social Justice Committee Co-Chair

RECAMFT Director at Large

Katharina Kienböck, LMFT, has a private practice in Sebastopol where she offers couples work together with Linda Block, LMFT. She can be reached via Psychology Today, or her website. 

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RECAMFT's Racial and Social Justice Pledge

RECAMFT is committed to equity including addressing structural racism and systemic injustice. We endeavor to be inclusive and value individuals from all ethnicities, ages, races, sexual orientations, genders, languages, abilities, religions, citizenship statuses, and socioeconomic backgrounds into our chapter and into treatment.

We strive to advocate, educate, collaborate, and strategize for positive racial and social justice change within our membership and our community.

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Got a sticky problem?

Come discuss it confidentially with your colleagues at our next Ethics Roundtable

Not consultation, just a great way to get some ideas about how to handle your sticky case. Friendly and open group.  Learn more here.

  • Fri., Mar. 24th, 2023
  • 12 to 1:30 pm
  • Zoom
  • Register here.
  • Next two events: June 23rd, Oct. 27th, 2023
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    Have you written a book? 

    Be sure to let us know so we can include it on our Library page. Email

    More RECAMFT Events! 

    Prelicensed, Crafts, Ethics, Board

    Check out all the following events!

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    Contact to advertise a job. 

    Are you creative? Join us for our Crafting Group

    Bring any craft you like, get on Zoom with us and visit with your colleagues while

    we knit, sew, paint, draw, cook, create, etc. 

    Programs Committee Chair seat is available. Is it you? 

    The Programs Committee needs a chair. This is a fun one, choosing the speakers for the coming year. Is it you? 

    We also need a couple of people to help us review presentation applications. Can you help? Send your interest to

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    Greetings from the Programs Committee - 2023 Updates

    Happy 2023 from the Programs & Conferences Committee! Do you want to see the applications and have a say in the events weJoAnn, Cynthia and Gail at the Fall Symposium 2022 offer to our members? We are looking for members to help out with writing the monthly "What you Missed" article for our events. We need help behind the scenes by helping the Chat or Q&A in Zoom. Whether you can help out one time or want to help more often, please send an email today to to learn more or set up a time for asking questions. We would love to have you as part of our volunteer team!

    We are now accepting speaker presentation applications for our Sept. 2023 - June 2024 speaker season. If you have a topic of interest to present on, we encourage our members to share your passions and knowledge. Please complete the speaker presentation application and send to CE events are typically held on the first Friday monthly (except July and August), for 1.5 to 6 hours, depending on the type of presentation. The link for the speaker application is:

    The Programs & Conferences Committee is so excited for the CE events we are offering this year including our second year launch of The Justice Project focusing on LGBTQ+ Affirming Care (the Antiracism track is still available to complete as well). As a membership benefit, the monthly presentations are generally included in the cost of dues, and we offer special member pricing for premium events such as our annual Law and Ethics, or all-day conferences. Find our Current Events page for more information:

    Redwood Empire CAMFT (RECAMFT) is the place to be in 2023! Did you know if you miss one of our live Zoom CE events, they are recorded and you can watch them later? Find them in the Members Only section. Some recordings are also available for CEs. 

    Man playing trumpetHere's what you don’t want to miss this year!

    2/3/23 – Dr Ronald Mah, PhD, LMFT “Seductions and Arrogance: Client Presentations and Therapist” [2 law & ethics CEs]. Register here

    3/3/23 – Brad Kammer, LMFT “Transforming Trauma: The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) for Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resolving Complex Trauma” [4 CEs]. Register here

    4/7/23 – Dr Anish Shah, MD “Treatment Resistant Depression and Psychosis : A Biopsychosocial Perspective” [3 CEs]. Register here

    5/5/23 – Dr. German Ascani, MD and guests for a panel discussion on “Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy - Update on a Transformative Treatment Option” [2 CEs]. Register here

    Stay tuned for more upcoming events!

    • New telehealth BBS requirement [3 CEs]
    • In Person Spring Conference in June [6 CEs]
    • LGBTQ+ affirming care discussion groups
    • Anti-Racism discussion group
    • Law & Ethics [6 CEs]
    • 50th anniversary celebration in 2024

    We would love to hear from you and have you join our team. Email your interest to

    With gratitude,

    RECAMFT Programs & Conferences Committee

    Board Highlights - The new 2023 Board started by increasing to twelve members! 

    Thanks to the membership voting to increase the Board size from 9 to 12 members, at the January 13th meeting, the Board added the following Directors at Large to our table: Jean Hayes (2 year term), Linda Block (1 year term), and Katharina Kienböck (1 year term). The Board also appointed Tara D'Orazio as CFO through 12/31/23, completing Kira Kayler's term (for some strange reason Kira wanted to stay home and play with her new baby instead of managing our monies. We just can't figure that out!?!). Here is a photo from the January Board meeting. Member and past Director at Large Annette Seibel was also in attendance. 

    At the December 9th Board meeting, the Board decided to allow for 25 free Law & Ethics seats (6 hr L&E to be offered in late spring) for those members who complete the 2023 Justice Project: LGBTQ+ Affirming Care and fill out the Attestation form located here

    Get the latest Therapy Groups Listings here!

    LOTS MORE PAGES AND GROUPS - CLICK HERE to be taken to the Therapy Groups page which has a link to pay for an advertisement, a directory of clinicians who offer groups, and a PDF of the latest Therapy Groups quarterly newsletter.

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    Warning signMembers! Your SHORT DESCRIPTION is the most important thing on your profile. Why? Because that shows in our online directory. It matters! Please log in and complete yours today! 

    Find out more about advertising with RECAMFT here

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    Members Messages 

    Members can submit an article of up to 500 words for publication. Please submit before the 15th monthly to  

    How RECAMFT's Justice Project Inspired My AIDS Lifecycle Ride

    By Rex Burington, LMFT

    Dear Community,

    I am grateful for this space to share a personal mission/passion that may also be of interest to RECAMFT community members. Have you started the thoughtfully curated LGBTQ+ Justice Project (found under the “News and Events” tab on the RECAMFT website)? While I’ve not yet completed all components, I’m motivated to do so. I recommend the project to all members with potential contact with LGBTQ+ clients or simply as a means to gain allyship awareness and skills in support of LGBTQ+ community.

    Before I proceed, please allow an important acknowledgement. I identify as cis-gender straight white male. These identities engender much privilege. I hope for this privilege to foster benefits via informed efforts toward allyship with LGBTQ+ and other marginalized communities. There is much work to be done.

    As we therapists often do, I seek opportunities to express a voice of advocacy. As a voter, I vote in support of progressive social policy. As a therapist, I seek such opportunities whenever LGBTQ+ issues are in the mix. Now my attention has turned to an additional advocacy channel for this often marginalized community. This year marks my 60th journey around the Sun. With much reflection, I have settled on my preferred celebration for the occasion.

    The universe always hears a mission/passion and responds in kind with invitations to express it. The year 2023 synchronistically brings my 60th birthday and the RECAMFT LGBTQ+ Justice Project. How’s a socially conscious, recently minted avid cyclist to celebrate and honor the occasion? In a moment of soulful insight, cherished worlds collided! 1) cycling, 2) progressive, affirmative community and 3) valuable social advocacy all land in one place together! YES, The AIDS LIFECYCLE (ALC)!

    With hope, awe, humility, compassion and joy, I announce my intention to ride the ALC in June, 2023 from San Francisco to Los Angeles (545 miles!). This is an epic ride for great causes - a cure for AIDS and social justice and community services for LGBTQ+ community. The event is a major fundraiser for two non-profit organizations: the SF AIDS Foundation and the LA LGBTQ center. Details on the efforts and services of these organizations can be found in the links in this article’s footer.

    My solidarity commitment:

    • All ALC 545 miles completed in the saddle of my bicycle (yes, I can!)
    • Pot seeding donation of $500 of personal funds (paid in full 12/10/22).
    • Fundraising efforts to achieve fundraising goal of $5450 ($10 per mile).

    Allied souls please reach out. All ALC related inquiries welcome. Cyclist, Roadie and Home Hero participant applications are all currently open on the ALC website.

    Blessings in solidarity,


    Rex Burington, LMFT

    (Rider in the image)

    Cell: 707-595-8788


    Donation Link:

    Weblinks for further information:

    Rex Burington, LMFT has a private practice in Sebastopol. His website is

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    Call for Submissions for the February 2023 Issue of The RECAMFT Therapist! 

    February is Black History, American Heart, and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. We especially welcome submissions where these themes intersect with mental health. Please send your submission (500 word max) to by the 15th. Questions?

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    Past President Honor Roll - Meet RECAMFT's 2016 President - Bob Dalzell, LMFT

    In 2016 after serving as RECAMFT's CFO, and then President Elect, Bob Dalzell became RECAMFT's  President during a year filled with excitement. In November a national presidential election resulted in an upset in which Donald Trump was elected via the Electoral College to the presidency, defeating Hilary Clinton who won the popular vote. In brighter news Simone Biles became the GOAT (greatest of all time) of women's gymnastics at the Rio Olympics. 

    Bob always brought the best energy to the Board meetings, with loving thoughtfulness and care (plus great hugs) that made everyone feel welcomed. We miss you, Bob. A LOT. Thanks for all you've done for RECAMFT!   

    More pics of Bob during his Board tenure.  The second pic is Bob receiving his CAMFT Outstanding Leader of the Year Award from the CAMFT President. In the third he is posing at Law & Ethics with speaker Dave Jensen, JD. 


    Want to see all our Past Presidents? Click here.    Return to top

    Thank you for reading this month's newsletter! RECAMFT is great because of involved members like you!!

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