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The Redwood Empire Therapist

RECAMFT's Online Newsletter

October 2024

SAMHSA Banner for Substance Abuse Prevention

This month's event - SAT. Oct. 5th! 

SATURDAY., Oct. 5, 2024, 9 am to 11:15 am

"Breaking Free: A Therapist's Guide to Moving Beyond Insurance Panels"

Dr. Phylis Wakefield,  PhD

Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Phylis Wakefield, PhD

Join us for an essential Zoom program on transitioning away from working with insurance contracts with Dr. Phylis Wakefield, Licensed Psychologist (no CEs available for this 2 hour course). We will begin with a personal story from Dr. Wakefield about her successful journey through this transition. The training will feature an in-depth look at the advantages and disadvantages of working with insurance providers versus terminating contracts. We'll examine how these choices impact different populations and client care.

Register here.

Save the date!

Friday, Nov. 1, 2024, 10 am to 12:15 pm

"Affirmative Family Therapy with Gender Diverse People and Their Loved Ones"

Dr. Shawn Giammattei, PhD

  • Presented by Dr. Shawn Giammattei, PhD
  • 2 CEs, Zoom
  • 10 am to 12:15 pm
  • Register here. 

Coming December 6th!

Dr. Stephen Tsao, PhD"Are they really so OCD? Identifying and Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" 

RECAMFT 50th Anniversary logo


Click any section to jump to the article.

Featured member

Did you miss the BBS-MANDATED  3 CE Telehealth course? 

Woman on computer

Telehealth: Law & Ethics, Technology, and Best Practices for Connecting with Your Clients with Lisa Wenninger, BC-TMH

Catch it on video here, and get your mandated 3 Telehealth CEs.           Return to top

RECAMFT's Mission Statement

The purpose of RECAMFT is to promote and maintain professional competence and integrity with knowledge, innovation, compassion, humor and respect for human dignity and diversity.

We do this by providing opportunities for networking, education and community outreach.

Paper flowers

Are you creative? Join us for our Crafting Group

Bring any craft you like, get on Zoom with us and visit with your colleagues while we knit, sew, paint, draw, cook, create, etc. 

  • Fri., Oct. 11th, 11:30 am
  • Register here                       Return to top

Have you written a book? 

Be sure to let us know so we can include it on our Library page. Email

RECAMFT's Racial and Social Justice Pledge

RECAMFT is committed to equity including addressing structural racism and systemic injustice. We endeavor to be inclusive and value individuals from all ethnicities, ages, races, sexual orientations, genders, languages, abilities, religions, citizenship statuses, and socioeconomic backgrounds into our chapter and into treatment.

We strive to advocate, educate, collaborate, and strategize for positive racial and social justice change within our membership and our community.

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RECAMFT Rainbow Rings Leaf logo

President's Message:

Important Proposed Changes to RECAMFT's Bylaws

Subject to Member Approval in November 2024

By Dr. Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFT, RECAMFT President

Dear RECAMFT Members,

I am writing to discuss some important news with you, our members, from our September 13, 2024 Board meeting. The Board voted for some needed changes that will affect our members, and require your vote for approval. 

There are two issues: an increase to our annual membership dues (does not apply to Prelicensed members), and creation of a new membership category: Emeritus, for retired members age 65 and older who still want to remain part  of our RECAMFT community. Creating this new membership class requires a RECAMFT bylaws change. 

Our CFO, Tara D'Orazio, and Secretary, Dr. Laura Strom, worked together as the Bylaws Committee to craft the changes needed to create the new Emeritus membership class. The proposed bylaws are on our website, and can be seen here. I encourage all our voting members (LMFTs and Prelicensed) to review the proposed changes, and provide feedback for the Board to consider at the October 11th board meeting. You are invited to attend our Zoom board meetings where you can give feedback on these proposals in person, in addition to the feedback form located on the proposed bylaws page. 

The proposed membership dues increases are: 

  • Clinical (LMFTs) was $75, now $95. 
  • Affiliates (other licensed professionals, i.e. LCSWs, LEPs, LPCCs, RNs, JDs, MDs, Licensed Psychologists, etc.) was $75, now $95.
  • Prelicensed was $25, remains $25
  • New Emeritus category proposed at $45.

Once our membership approves the new bylaws when we vote in November, the bylaws changes need to be approved by the CAMFT Board. We anticipate the new membership rates will go into effect by February 1st at the earliest.

We ask you to vote in favor for the dues increase. Our bylaws committee calculated a 2.6% annual cost of living increase over the nine years since 2015, and based on this, recommended a dues increase to $99 (for Clinical and Affiliates). However, the Board felt that was too large a jump, and decided to increase the dues by $20 for both Clinical and Affiliate members. All members of the Board were concerned about not making membership any more difficult for our Prelicensed members, therefore no dues increase was suggested for them. We have had multiple requests for Emeritus membership over the years, and are pleased to be welcoming this new category..  

The proposed bylaws are changed in one other important way: the new language throughout the document has been written with gender-neutral terms. The old language was limited to "he/she" and "his/her". The Board was very pleased with this update to the language, and hopes you will be, too. 

Because of the pandemic, and the movement of our field into holding online meetings, we all needed to tighten our belts. No one wanted to increase dues during a pandemic. As we move past this crisis, I personally believe RECAMFT needs this dues increase to help ensure we remain viable now, and into the future.

It has been a privilege to serve as your President. Please consider Board service. I have seen many other CAMFT chapters, and I believe we are one of the very best CAMFT chapters. RECAMFT is very special, and we are all fortunate to be part of this wonderful organization. 


Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFT

2024 RECAMFT President

2017-18 CAMFT President

Dr. Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFTDr. Bob Casanova, PsyD, LMFT is the President of RECAMFT's Board of Directors. He has a private practice in Windsor, CA. Dr. Casanova served as state CAMFT's President in 2017-2018. 

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Members - Check out our CE Library! 

Four brand new ONLINE offerings including

SIX (6) CEs Law & Ethics! 

Woman in library.Members - you can access recordings of our zoom events from 2023, 2022, and 2021  in our new on-demand library which has been migrated over to Thinkific (

NEW! RECAMFT On-Demand Programs:

NEW! RECAMFT discount codes are posted for members only here: (requires sign-in using your RECAMFT member email/password)

NEW! Law & Ethics: How to Write a 10-Minute Treatment Plan, 3 CEs, with Barbara Griswold, LMFT.

NEW! Law & Ethics: What Should be in Your Notes, But Probably Isn't, 3 CEs, with Barbara Griswold, LMFT.

NEW! Three Underlying Beliefs That Cause Anxiety and How to Change Them, a CBT Approach, 2 CEs, with Jennifer Shannon, LMFT

NEW! Attachment Infused Addiction Treatment Theory, 2 CEs, with Mary Crocker Cook, PhD, LMFT

Members can watch the video, pass the test, fill out the evaluation, and download your certificate. It's that easy! You can earn CEs for any recorded event if you didn't already earn CEs from the live event. 

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NAMI walks adNAMI Walks Sonoma County - Let's support our local chapter by participating!

  • October 19th
  • 10 am to 1 pm
  • Howarth Park, 630 Summerfield Rd., Santa Rosa
  • More here

Programs Committee Update

Welcome back, RECAMFT community! We are so excited to share some of the upcoming monthly CE events coming this fall.

RECAMFT Zoom presentations

  • Oct. 5th -  Phylis Wakefield, PhD, "Breaking Free: A Therapist's Guide to Moving Beyond Insurance Panels", 2 hrs, no CEs.
  • Nov. 1st - Dr. Shawn Giammattei, PhD, "Affirmative Family Therapy with Gender Diverse People and Their Loved Ones".  
  • Dec. 6th - Dr. Stephen Tsao, PhD, "OCD and Exposure Prevention Response", more information coming soon...
  • Jan. 3rd - In-person Annual Members Meeting, speaker (TBD), and 50th Golden Jubilee Celebration Luncheon, Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Ave., Santa Rosa, 10 am to 2 pm.
We are still reviewing applications for presentations to be scheduled for Spring 2025. Please submit an application if you have a presentation idea to

Are you interested in seeing what we have coming up? Consider microvolunteering with the Programs & Conferences Committee! Microvolunteering opportunities: screening speaker applications; providing support at in person CE events; monitoring Q&A for speakers during monthly Zoom presentations. We are especially looking for a Programs Committee Chairperson.

We look forward to another year of bringing you quality, enriching presentations which support your professional growth and development.

With gratitude,
The Programs & Conferences Committee

Heart shaped autumn leaf

Warning signMembers! Your SHORT DESCRIPTION is the most important thing on your profile. Why? Because that shows in our online directory. It matters! Please log in and complete yours today! 

Save the Date! Fri., Jan. 3rd, 2025

RECAMFT's Golden Jubilee

50th Birthday Celebration! 

  • In-person at Odd Fellows Hall, Santa Rosa
  • Speaker, Annual Members Meeting, Awards, Prizes! 
  • Lunch will be served

Join us and your colleagues for a Friday filled with fun enjoying the time together with friends, celebrating our wonderful community! Save the date!!

Birthday cake

Prelicensed Support - 3000 Hour Club

Nicolette Gottuso, LMFT

Hello to all RECAMFT clinicians, and a special welcome to all our Prelicensed members!

My name is Nicolette Gottuso. I am an LMFT and a Substance Use Counselor. I have recently joined the Board as a Director at Large and the Prelicensed Chair, and wanted to introduce myself.

I have been a substance use counselor since I was in my early 20s. I slowly grew in my education and pursued a B.A. in psychology from Sonoma State University. I went on to get my masters in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute.

During my undergrad and graduate programs, I worked full time. I worked initially with the houseless population in Marin County for 4 years, and then spent time at Lifeworks of Sonoma County doing in-home therapy. I finally landed at Muir Wood Adolescent and Family Services and eventually became the Clinical Director there for the boys facility in Petaluma. I have since left that role to pursue private practice. I have an office in Petaluma one day a week and see clients virtually on all of the other days. I specialize in addiction, adolescents and attachment disorders.

I wanted to join the Prelicensed Committee to help prelicensed folks feel that they are not alone in what feels like a heavy, scary time when licensure feels so far away and sometimes unattainable! The one thing graduate school does not teach most of us, unfortunately, is how to be in the world as a therapist, and how to start a private practice. I am excited to help, however I can, in my new role, as a member of the RECAMFT Board, and the Chair of the Prelicensed Committee.

You are welcome to contact me with your questions and concerns about the road to licensure. Please send me an email via I look forward to connecting with you! 

Nicolette Gottuso, M.A., LMFT, SUDCC IV-CS

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Alaskan Animal Art by Circe Denyer

Call for Submissions for the Nov. 2024 Issue of

The RECAMFT Therapist! 

November is Native American Heritage Month, Movember, National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, COPD, Diabetes, Epilepsy, and Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. The first two weeks of November are Transgender Awareness  weeks, with Nov. 20th being International Transgender Day of Remembrance. See more hereWe especially welcome submissions where awareness themes intersect with mental health. Please send your submission (500 word max) to by the 15th. Questions?       

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We Need You! Jobs for Awesome Volunteers

Colorful handsWe need help with

  • Prelicensed Committee!
  • Programs Committee
  • Racial & Social Justice Committee
  • Newsletter Editor Assistant (ideally comfortable with web publishing, blogs, social media, etc.)
  • Tech 2 - Social Media Manager

Please send an email to if you can help.       Return to top

RECAMFT's Listserv For All! Check it out! 

Dog with laptopOur listserv has around 400 members on it, and is active daily with great conversations, resources, offerings, in search of, books, movies, office rentals, jobs, internships, etc. You can view the home page of our listserv at

If you are not currently enrolled in the listserv, please email and ask to be added. You have the option of setting up your account to be 

      • Read individual emails
      • Read a digest of 12 emails
      • Or read online only

After you have been added to the listserv, you can change the way you receive the emails to any of the above choices. In Gmail the emails will appear under your Forums tab. To send an email to the listserv, simply address your email to

If you do not want to be on our listserv, you can delete your account or write to and ask to not be a part of the listserv. But we urge you to give it a try. You are missing out on a ton of meaningful collaboration with your colleagues. We hope you will enjoy being part of our online community! 

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Featured member

More upcoming events

Upcoming events

Advertise Jobs here!

Contact to advertise a job. 

Featured member

Highlights from RECAMFT's Board of Directors

The Sept. Board meeting

  • BIG NEWS! The Board of Directors voted for the first dues increase RECAMFT has had in nine years. The last dues increase was in 2015. They also noted not to wait such a long time for future dues increases. 
  • The Board also voted to create a new membership class: Emeritus, defined as members age 65 and older who are retired from our profession. The new Emeritus membership class requires a bylaws change. 
  • The dues increase and Emeritus membership class are both subject to approval by the members when we vote in November. 
  • The new membership rates are as follows: 
  • Clinical (LMFT) was $75, now will be $95. 
  • Affiliate (non-LMFT) was $75, now will be $95.
  • Prelicensed was $25, remains $25. 
  • Emeritus will be $45, and is slated to begin next spring. 
RECAMFT Board of Directors, 9/13/2024

Above pic L-R: Top row: Dr. Bob Casanova (President), Dr. Laura Strom (Secretary), Janice Hoscan, Member visiting;

Second row: Tara D'Orazio (CFO), Gina Culver (Past President),  Pat Hromalik, Director at Large (DAL);

Third row: Cynthia Psaila, DAL, Emily Larkin, President Elect, Reyna Seminara, DAL;

Fourth row: Nicolette Gottuso, Prelicensed DAL, Dr. Jean Hayes, DAL.

Photo of the Sept. Board meeting by Laura Strom.

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Scholarships, Honors and Awards

Joe and Pamela Ward Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Winners Announced!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of this year's scholarships, recognizing two outstanding Associate LMFTs in the mental health field.

Noemi Degante BlancasNoemi Degante Blancas, M.A., AMFT & APCC is a bilingual, bicultural psychotherapist and a graduate of UCSF. Currently working at Humanidad Therapy & Education Services, Noemi is a staunch advocate for immigrant rights. She plans to become a supervisor and eventually open a private practice dedicated to supporting the undocumented immigrant community. Noemi's dedication to advancing equity in mental health services, especially for marginalized populations, underscores her exceptional contributions to the field.

Hila CohenHila (Emanuel) Cohen, AMFT is a bilingual therapist raised in Israel, with a multicultural background from Iranian and Moroccan parents. She specializes in working with trauma, particularly in children, and currently practices at Lomi Mental Health Clinic. Hila plans to use the scholarship funds to pursue advanced EMDR training, with a focus on treating children. Her commitment to healing and her deep understanding of cultural nuances make her a vital resource for the communities she serves.

Board of Directors Renews Scholarship Program

In a strong vote of confidence for the future of mental health, our Board of Directors has unanimously voted to renew the Joe and Pamela Ward Scholarship Program for another three years! Each scholarship awarded represents more than just financial assistance—it’s a commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders in our field.

These scholarships have not only profoundly impacted the lives of the recipients but have also galvanized our community to come together in support of rising professionals. The collaboration among the Board of Directors, Scholarship Committee, and community members has been nothing short of remarkable, establishing a lasting legacy of compassion and excellence for RECAMFT that will benefit the mental health profession for years to come.

To donate to the Joe and Pam Memorial Scholarship, please visit

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Supporters & Sponsors - we appreciate you! 

Sonoma County M.E.N. groups: Men Evolving Non-Violently 707-528-2636 or

Find out more about advertising with RECAMFT here

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Ethics Roundtable

Got a sticky problem?

Come discuss it confidentially with your colleagues at our next Ethics Roundtable


Not consultation, just a great way to get some ideas about how to handle your sticky case. Friendly and open group.  Learn more here.

  • Fri., Oct. 25th,  2024
  • 12 to 1:30 pm
  • Zoom
  • Register here.
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    Members Messages

    Members please submit your messages by the 15th monthly to have them appear in the Newsletter

    (500 word maximum)

    Making strides in mental health services with LifeWorks Behavioral Health 

    By Gina Culver, LMFT

    Past President,


    Happy fall everyone! Fall is my favorite time of year with the changing seasons, cooler weather, the world getting ready for its winter nap, fall activities, sweaters, boots, and hot chocolate. Most of you know me as RECAMFT’s current Past President and maybe even know me through my private practice via referrals, information shared, or consultation. I also work full time at Lifeworks, one of the local community mental health organizations as the Clinical Compliance Liaison. In my role and with the agency, we have experienced many changing seasons over the last year.

    At the beginning of 2024, LifeWorks of Sonoma CountyLifeworks of Sonoma County logo merged with Sonoma Community Action Network (Sonoma CAN) and became its behavioral health department. You can read more about Sonoma CAN on their website: LifeWorks Behavioral Health has several contracts with other agencies and county entities in Sonoma County to provide therapy, behavioral services, classroom aides, and other similar mental health services.

    Sonoma CAN

    One of our partners is Redwood Children’s Center (RCC). RCC provides forensic interviews to victims of violent crimes and as a community partner, LifeWorks is one of the agencies which provides therapy to the victims and families. It is an honor to partner with and work with RCC and all of the agencies involved: the District Attorney’s office’s attorneys and advocates, Verity advocates, YWCA, and law enforcement in each city and town in Sonoma County. The multidisciplinary team as a whole works to intervene to prevent further harm to the victims, advocate for care and services, provide healing services, and seek justice against those who have caused harm.

    In July 2024, RCC invited its community partners to join them at the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting where RCC received a Gold Resolution to acknowledge and congratulate RCC (and by extension all of their community partners including LifeWorks!) for 30 years of service to the Sonoma County community. Please see the article in Sonoma CAN’s newsletter:

    Sonoma CAN reached out to me to ask about the Gold Resolution, its meaning, and its impact: “Being recognized for our mental health work and collaboration helps increase access to services and decrease the stigma around mental health and treatment. The continued support from Sonoma CAN and other partners ensures that RCC can keep providing these essential services to victims and their families, reinforcing the significance of their work in the community.”

    Please join me in celebrating this honor with a hearty HOORAH! to making strides in mental health and mental health services in our amazing community. If you would like to know more about LifeWorks and its services, please reach out to me: Kudos to everyone’s hard work in helping those with mental health needs and blessings for a happy fall.

    Gina Culver, LMFTGina Culver, LMFT, has a private practice in Santa Rosa, CA. She served as RECAMFT's 2023 President and is currently enrolled in a doctoral program. 

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    Link to our Therapy Groups page and a PDF of current offerings - RECAMFT.ORG/Therapy-Groups

    CLICK HERE to learn more about local group offerings, and payment to advertise your group. 

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    Past President's Notepad

    Thank you to our current Past President Gina Culver (2023) for your service on the RECAMFT Board, starting with being our Programs Co-Chair, and working your way up! 

    Gina Culver, LMFT started working with our Board as an AMFT by getting active in both the Prelicensed and Programs Committees. She just kept volunteering, and pretty soon we elected her our 2023 President. She has given our Board wonderful leadership and service over the years, and we will miss her when her three-year stint as our President Elect, President, and Past President ends on December 31, 2024. 

    Thank you, Gina, for everything you've done for RECAMFT! We are in your debt....  

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    Gina Culver, LMFT

    Thank you for reading this month's newsletter! RECAMFT is great because of involved members like you!!

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